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  • Huh. A Linode seems like it'd be a lot pricier, but I guess it would be nice to have that level of control, yeah.
    I bet you get your homework in on time >| I punish you. Your points are now lowered. I'm wondering though what was the secret legendary? I'm assuming it was at least partially steel type, since skarmory?

    Well ghost doesn't necessarily mean evil. I mean, I'm a ghost. u_u Not that I'm not evil. But I'm not necessarily evil. ... But a ghost/dark could definitely beat a polphade, I mean, if it were a high enough level and well trained and stuff and stuff, surely. I mean, gengar certainly could. >_> ehe.

    Or you could just join and follow people. :p
    Oh, wow. :/ Sucks even more than I thought. Hopefully whatever solves it won't be too messy. Have you spoken with their customer support about it recently? How's that been?
    Aw, that sucks. Hopefully you can get it all fixed soon, then! And yeah, I figured more faves might help, so I did go hunt down some stories I remembered liking and belatedly favorite them.
    I don't suppose you know why your site's giving 500 errors, do you? I'd rather like to play around with the new recmachine thing! (with my ffn account with all of one favorite author/story since the other one I was following on there was taken down :( )
    you liiiiiiiiied but I forgive youuu *___* Did not expect polphades to be responsible haha but god I'm so sad you're not gonna continue the series, even though I understand it. Also polphades are creepy as fuck did anyone ever tell you that??? Now instead of fire/electrics everyone's gonna need a ghost/dark type. :v
    Personally I'm always all for more interesting data even if it isn't very useful, so I'd be curious to have the authors with similar tastes in as well, but it's not exactly necessary.
    "returns both a list of fanfics it thinks they'll like and a list of authors with similar tastes"

    It's not returning any authors, or at least not for me. Unless I'm blind and missed something.

    Nice job on that all around, though. It is such a neat thing to do and it's awesome somebody has done it. Now it's just arranging things so that it can be at least semi-continuously updated.
    Noooo but half the point is that I change url so easily and no one can find meeee. >_> If you want I can tell you when I change it, though I don't plan on changing it actually because I like this one. Unless I get my first url back or someone finds me =____= ehe.

    Idk if I'm even a movie buff... To be a movie buff I think you need to watch all the ye olde movies and I'm unwilling to do that they're too old. I willingly admit I'm a tv buff though. u_u I used to be exactly like you, aw... and then I lost my mind to tv haha.

    ok promise ;_;
    Btw it took me a while to realize how you knew where my tumblr was after i kept moving it and then I realized I linked you to it -____- amsosmart ahaha...

    Well you know that means we can't be friends anymore. :| bad negrek. I agree the romance is terribad (usually is weh). Btw you know one of the Wachowskis (who made the movies) is trans? I just found out recently when rewatching the movies haha.

    also *nudge* >_>
    I'm sure you'd remember stuff better if you wrote it up faster. u___u hinthint ehehe. More subtler hints you know what'd help with recovery is that last chapter of Clouded Sky??? Ok that's last prodding :D

    Btw I also love The Matrix! I hate when someone mentions it and they're like 'I love the first one' >| No, if you watch them all and get all the It's All In The Manuel stuff, it's amazing. It was one of the first to do that. And I love the symbolism in it and its weird long twistyness and just its weirdness and you know - watching part of a series and taking the other parts out just annoys me. You can't ignore the other parts they explain all the things!!! ARHG. it's like reading the first quarter of a book and complaining the rest sucked even though the rest is the other three quarters of the book!!! (I don't know if you even like the other two. -___- but sigh. I mean as stand-alones maybe they're not as great but as one piece all together, they make a great story.)
    Hah I know your story better than youuuu. u_u Tbh I've gotten massive eyestrain from reading too much so I'm taking a break, but it did make me start downloading a bunch of audiobooks. (Which finished downloading right as succot is finishing so I can't listen to them now anyhow yay judaism for screwing up everything!!!! gdfgn :[)

    I never thought of her buying into her superiority, that does make sense. It's mostly how she suddenly got so violent towards others that makes her seem really nasty; all of her dislike of Tobias/Jinx before that seems understandable, but the nastyness afterwards is just really nasty haha. I mean I don't really dislike her because she's an interesting character, I just wish she'd say her feelings instead of hitting people u_u works better.
    Pokemon are so much cuddlier than people. I think all my ideal teams (in my head because real life pokemon are gonna happen) are built around having a gardevoir/gallade, because of how their psychicness feeds off emotion more than thoughts. I just think that'd make a stronger connection. Also, a scolipede, because 8 foot long horse bug to carry me around is awesome.

    Tobias is so weird. >_> Also, rereading - the moment where Accemenla agrees to translate the slipstri is the moment she decides to go against Tobias, isn't it? I always figured her personality seemed more like a dark-type pokemon, haha. She's kinda nasty, sigh.
    just posting to say that I am so excited for the ending of Clouded Sky oh my god! It's so good! :D
    Also secret I've always kinda wanted to rp a character going through the lighthouse challenge from Clouded Sky u_u (I'm definitely not reading through that atm nope.)

    Also did Tobias never use his Overheat tm, or any of the other tms he got from the gyms in johto? So absent-minded.
    Oh, but that's the best part about having pokemon. I mean, having relationships with humans is hugely exhausting, but pokemon are this weird blend of adorable puppies and thinking people, and I mean, that's just awesomely perfect. I probably wouldn't be necessarily a caretaker/moderator - well, more a moderator, I suppose. But I'd definitely be wanting each of my pokemon to have autonomy and such, and I'd just be giving suggestions, really. I think I'd help them most via training and knowledge and an outside perspective during battle.

    I don't really think preteens/teens are that different from other agegroups, idk... The only age I think is vastly different from others is before age 8 and up, because babies/kids are gross. u_u But after that idk I think people are people.

    But, in regards to things like teaching them - I don't think that would be an unpleasant thing at all and also it wouldn't last the entire relationship. And also you get like, one pokemon at a time, so there's space in between to do the teaching! Like if you have one that needs extra focus you can take time with them. Idk, if I had a pokemon that was prone to killing, I'd just instruct them to ask me first so I'd ok whoever it is. :p I mean if we get into trouble for it, that's not good for either of us, right. I think if I could have 6+ pokemon I'd never need to talk to a human ever again. n_n
    Well, being a trainer isn't just about feeding your pokemon and cleaning them and helping them poo or whatever o_o I mean that's literally the least interesting part about having pets, for example. It's more about having a relationship, like, being friends and all - especially with pokemon who are actually sentient, you can have like entire conversations if you have a translator like a psychic type or something. (That's sorta why every team I ever think of building always has a psychic type u__u they're just so useful.)

    Well do it faster. :[
    Well that's not so much lower than Igneous, really. I'd probably catch a ton of pokemon because that's what I want to do with animals and yaknow, with pokemon, they can sorta help you take care of themselves, since that's what they'd normally be doing anyhow... >_> I mean, they can pretty much hunt their own food, clean themselves, etc., they don't really need us at all haha it's kinda sad.

    No, I really liked it! I read it in one day so. I just like your current writing more. :p

    Yes, you're very long, sprawling and twisty. u_u And your writing is too. Sigh but now I want you to post all those fics. :[
    What level is the wailmer? It's always confused me how Tobias has so few pokemon but I guess he's poor and that isn't his top priority 9_9 (t'would be mine wehehe.) Impressive how Igneous stood his own against both the scyther and the higher-leveled Accemenla. u_u Igneous is a cool dude.

    I thought it was cool! Your writing definitely got way better but it wasn't bad and I liked a lot of stuff in it, esp. gengar. All the pokemon on the island congregating together kept reminding me of Watership Down, for some reason...

    Is the PMD-fic the one you posted where the arcanine and such eat the rescue team, or is it a chapter fic? I want chapter fics :[ Siiigh I really can't wait post it now ok??? :D ahg. Also just from what you've described I think the long sprawling twisty thing sounds most exciting just because I think that sounds most like you.
    oh question do you have another fic in the planning or something since clouded sky is basically done?? :D
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