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  • "You've been doing some nice write-ups for this battle, but unfortunately you still look a little shaky on mechanics to be doing real reffing as of now. Ordinarily I would just set you up with a new battle if you wanted to continue, but as things are now that won't be happening."

    ? And what's up with ASB Central being locked?
    I noticed that none of the Signature Moves/Attributes in the Pokémon Registration Office have been approved for about three months. Has no one gotten around to approving any, or is there a new way it's supposed to be done.
    yaaay Clouded Sky am reading now! Just in case you hadn't already noticed, btw, the chapter title you gave FFN (in the chapter select dropdown, etc.) and the chapter title of the actual... chapter, are not the same: one says "Long Night" while the other says "Reunions". :p
    Ah, good to hear! I do recall being very confused when you posted that excerpt a long time ago, but not in a bad way (aaaand there was no context to go on, but details, details). It's probably changed a bit since then, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it, anyway.
    :D I look forward to it, then, and to shit let's be lugia whenever it rolls around! How far into that one are you, anyway?
    You know, you could just ask for lessons. I'm not heartless, I can share the awesome too!

    Faaaanfiiic? :D CS, the shit let's be lugia thing (that is the one with mew or whatever, right?), or something else new and exciting?
    That's not so bad, then. I still gotta figure out how to... not blow the small amount of money I've just started making.

    Hey that thing was an awesome thing. >| Thaaaankfully though there shouldn't be any paper writing, and I seem to be slightly better at not blowing off non-paper things until the day they're due, so probably I will be able to avoid that this time! Probably!

    I don't know that I've been especially subtle about it so much as just obnoxious, so I wouldn't be surprised. Technically it's not even a "secret"; it's just something I haven't outright announced via the usual channels. The enterprising stalker could probably puzzle out where to see more about it relatively quickly, even.

    Did you manage to get your tickets for the flight/con, by the way?
    Oh, that's too bad. At least it's money, though. Is it interesting work, or, at least, does it pay pretty well?

    I only have two classes (and only on one day! but it's a looong day), but they are big finish senior project oh god make myself presentable to potential employers oh god kind of classes so mostly I'm just hoping I can get the procrastinating under control and not screw up. I guess I'm grateful it (probably) won't be murderous, though. :/ You'll get through it, though! You're better at managing that kind of stuff than I am, I know that much.

    And maaaaybe. Ideally. I would like to have it done before I head back to school, anyway, and it's been going well, but whether it materializes before autumn remains to be seen. ;)
    What's the matter, if you don't mind my asking? You're done for the summer, at least, aren't you?

    Just the one quarter, actually. :P For the most part I'm going to chill, yeah, barring my family making a last-minute decision to let my brother go to some camp in Jersey after all so we'd all spend a week up in New York. Probably not going to happen, though, so I'm hoping to make some more headway on projects and stuff.
    So Polychaeta's Spit Up should cost 4%, right? I think that's how much energy it is, but since Spit Up doesn't take STAB into account I'm not entirely sure.
    Hey, a while ago I earned EXP from this battle. Can I please get it?
    Prototype. It's pretty much just mindless destruction, but I love it to death.
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