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  • Oh wow, BfA ended while I was losing track of everything.

    I'll miss the stragegy fora, they were a pretty good bonding opportunity on the side.
    Uhh, in case you're the one to field the report I just made, that was supposed to be the response to the thread, but tablets are bad at loading, and i hit the wrong button, twice in fact, before i noticed what i was doing.

    Tl;dr, NOT reporting Phantom.
    Hey, stupid small thing but my battle with Highmoon is listed both in the "Battles Awaiting Referees" and "Open Challenges" section. Not important or anything, but something to fix whenever you have time.
    Thank you! But um, the money did show up in my account a day or so after I VMed and I figured that was it, but now it seems like it's been added again.
    Hello! Sorry to bother you, but this bank post from a few weeks ago doesn't seem to have ever gone through even though my post from earlier today did, and I was wondering if you might have missed it.
    Actually, that would be great.

    Hrm, well, I suppose you have a point there. This would be of most use where sends are PMed, though--I still think that if an opponent really wants a strategically helpful type advantage or resist, a balanced team will get them it in most cases. A varied movepool helps you hit back, and I just put priority on something I can flexibly think about. I guess the difference lies in perspective; I'm fairly certain that pretty much any sendout can be outmatched, and therefore focus more on making the most of who I have.

    Really? Great. How would you consider business moves in that, though? My main idea is currently a relatively normal blunt force themed attack, and then teleport.
    Hey, I tried to review a few sig moves, so it'd be nice if you gave a look to confirm everything is ok, as I am rusty, to say the least.
    I don't really know what to do with the arena. I mean, that's kind of where we were sidetracked before.

    It's just that most of the time you can get screwed over no matter who you pick; someone crazy might even do better than a known reliable pokemon. If it's something like every member of the other team has super-effective STAB on that yanma/whatever then yeah, sending out that pokemon isn't the best idea unless you have something planned. That usually doesn't happen, though.

    Can Tuft have two signature moves?

    Yes, but neither is swablu against snorunt, or grimer against trapinch. They're not completely helpless, with heat wave and giga drain respectively, but even then snorunt has light screen and trapinch doesn't necessarily have to care; if it does care that much there's struggle bug/captivate I guess. Unless you do take that sableye or eelektross, in which case the opponent will choose a resist, there's not much you can do if they're particularly type-centered and have a balanced team.

    ... I really should get around to reading signature things before thinking up my own. :| For a play on tinted lens I was going have Kaleidoscope typechange everything into bug. But on the other hand, super-effective on normally neutral attacks? EDIT: Or multitype. I could scheme up a way to get that.
    I... don't really know, actually. A very large portion of my pokemon are chosen because they "have a safe movepool" (not thinking about things like typing just because), which is sort of weird even on my end because the pokemon I like have huge holes in them that just feel like they can be covered up so I use them and yeah. The only ideas I have for synergy consist for triples, which I'm conserving because at some point in the tournament we're going to use that style and when the next round is made official I totally called it.

    Oh. I don't know, mudkip always seemed like one of the more reliable water types? I've never used a water type in ASB, but. Both counter and mirror coat amount for pain on conditionals, or tons of damage. You'd need to pay attention to energy, of course, but I never thought you were that stuck. And yanma are completely safe what are you talking about (see, this is my odd definition of safe).
    Specific reason...? Well, if you have some doubles-only insane strategy to try out on me, I'd love to be a guinea pig. Haven't quite managed to own the pokemon necessary for my maniacal ideas, but I'll improvise. 2 vs. 2 singles would be good too.

    Why would you dislike 1 vs. 1 if not because of the singles style in general?
    I'll think of something plausible eventually, and then I'll get a yes out of you. (I don't see why growth couldn't fix ripped-off wings! Not like it ended up mattering, but.)

    If you're still interested in battling, what would you think about moving to 1 vs. 1 singles? I realized just how many "this needs to happen" battles I've accrued, so something that's quicker and easier to get a ref for would be better.

    ... Also, I'm getting up the reffing for the tournament soon! Sorry, I didn't mean for it to take this long. For some reason describing gyro ball twice just... doesn't want to happen.
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