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  • Do I have to repost my Sig. Move entry without the "physical contact" line even though you approved it?
    Yeah, without the ridiculous video game stuff happening it's.. not actually Homestuck.

    Other things like shipping buh. But that's unavoidable, so hopefully we get more actual (good) fanart instead of text posts :[
    I think the most popular one is NotesfromGamandKar which is an AU Humanstuck thing. ..meh, but it gets the most asks. And then there's sparkly rainbow fantroll asks. HomestuckFuckery is great for this kind of thing.

    And then when people run out of jokes and stuff to ask then maybe we can have decent fanart? :D

    ..hahaha so crazy
    Mostly I check the Ghost Trick tag for anything, look at the two (maybe three!) posts and then leave. :D But yeah, sometimes I get sucked into a loop of bad art blogs and WeabooStories, so I know what you mean.

    And then there's combo ask blogs too ugh. There's an AskKarkat, AskGamzandKat, AskDaveandKarkat, AskFefandKat, I think I've seen an AskOCxKarkat. Poor guy.

    Though I don't think it'll be the hard work that'll make people quit, it'll be the lack of actual interesting asks. 'how many times can we make the same joke until no one cares', I think. :[
    True, I guess. Well, I hope the ask blogs die down or get whittled to the really good, IC ones. When almost every other post is an ask fancharacter blog.. :[ That's just Homestuck and Pokemon though, iirc.
    Yeah, 's actually where I found everything. I don't know though; recently everything in the Pokemon, Homestuck and Legend of Zelda tags (among others) have been uh, lowish quality. Everything is ask blogs and shipping :/
    Aw, thanks :3 I'm thinking of adding more for some different fandoms but I don't know if I'll find any that have the same..appeal, I guess. Here's hoping~
    well this is slightly awkward then

    But yeah, the full picture of Neku is the best~ So many colours :3
    The Layton one? (none of my other sigpics are as interesting PROVOCATIVE gaaaah i guess)
    My Mienfoo has a signature attribute that was approved a while back, but hasn't been edited into the profile.
    Possibly more likely than you think; even if you aren't a common sight in the Mafia forum, I think there are enough people who know you're twisted enough to run a mighty amusing game. ;)

    Well, in that case let me get back to work, see how much more I can get done without staying up late for no good reason, and then hopefully there'll be a spot for me later when my head is a little less crowded with skool and I can understand the rules properly!
    Intellesting! When are you planning on closing signups? I gave it a quick read-through and will probably join but I think I'mma wait for a bit while I figure out what to do with everything else I have going on.

    And also, ghosts don't win with their side at all? Dead players usually do and all that.
    The Twistedspoon & Spell Tag that I gave Metallica Fanboy for his birthday are still in my inventory.
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