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  • Thanks I when I saw what happened at first I was like "nonono!" and wanted to get it fixed so that no one would see it... then people saw it... and I had to kill Glace... it wasn't pretty.

    Then I tried to fix it when Glace was on to get him to edit his own post but then I was intercepted by the evil "server busy" monster and couldn't send the pm. And the server continued to be busy for 15 minutes... yeah.

    You hopefully are preventing any future deaths.
    Oh hey um hi it's Dragon.

    Could I get these guys back? I kinda zoned out and bought pokemon with the 'new account' money but I guess I don't really need those.

    Also am I still a valid ref or should I try out again?
    Not really related to BATTLING, but how would one become barred from challenging?
    It's fine, I probably would have just lost interest in it yet again. :B I'm pretty terrible about that.
    Alternatively re: Dwagie's business, is it possible to only claim some of the experience instead of all of it?

    I still haven't counted the battles that matter so I don't know how much claiming all of it would run me anyway, but still.
    Um, the heal bell thing was also intended to remove existing status conditions. Is that still happening or was I not clear and that's going to bite me in the ass? :(
    Couldn't I use the slot for the pokémon I still have, though? (Which I ought to withdraw. I just put it in my active squad thinking "ohey dude has been a not-lombre for too long", so if that's already done...)

    Alternatively, maybe Wargle just doesn't get a birthday present from me for the next year or two. I think about it.

    The song in general is badassery, and there were a couple of versions I was considering, but in the end you just can't not do TSO.
    So! Until your post in the Business Approval Office I completely forgot Dwagie's business existed, and then I remembered that I left a pokémon in there that I just sold to someone else! What do?
    Did you actually take any exp from my porygon-z? I'm pretty sure he had 3 before I took one off for the candy.

    ...and I guess while I'm being a saint and not keeping stuff I should mention that the enigma berry it's holding was technically consumed before the profile transfer; I guess I just left it on because the battle in question hadn't actually finished yet.
    Hi, you put the wrong experience on my Pokemon.

    Plevel is fine, but the experience on Esther is supposed to be on Sirius.
    hey man my host is up all the time and apparently you can install your own version of python, etc. (not 2.4 here I come... eventually... maybe), so you should totally get me my $15 commission for reals

    Well, as I said, good luck with your searching. Let me know if you find something decent, because while I can mostly manage my current pricing I am not averse to something less expensive!
    Reeeeally don't want to be bugging you over this, but I'm getting rather frustrated as it is. My match with Cypher has gone through two e-refs when it should be over as it is (due to DQ timing.) So I'm asking for your suggestion as to what to do now as the second e-ref doesn't want to actually call DQ.
    Well, what's your definition of "quality" Python support? Like, what sort of things are you specifically looking to do?

    Actually, I do still have this bookmarked from a long, long time ago, and something I was poking around listed it as "Django-friendly" which should mean it handles Python decently, and they're inexpensive even without that... interesting-looking discount thing, but as I said I don't know what you're looking for in Python support so it may be (and given the pricing probably is) pretty flimsy.

    But hey, there's always Google App Engine, right? :P
    Dunno about fanfic specifically, but I definitely remember seeing that sort of thing as a general posting-style fad on a few forums back in the day. I may or may not have attempted something similar once or twice myself, but if I did I think I'll just keep repressing those memories, thanks.

    It's only 4.99 if you sign up for five years! :D Or if you were grandfathered in like me, buuut.

    Seriously though, I haven't had a ton of time to experiment with their Python stuff but I wouldn't be too surprised since they focus more heavily on the PHP and all. At the very least they're still running several versions back last I checked; I might attempt to add a newer one on my own if I can do so without being yelled at. Probably can't, but eh.

    To be honest, though, I don't know how many shared hosts you're going to find that are both cheaper than 6.99/mo for two years and have Python/shell stuff at all. Didn't show up all that often the last time I gave it a serious look, but then again that was a while ago so the situation may have improved, or maybe there are more dedicated Python hosts that are bringing their prices down. Good luck with your searching, anyway.
    I know how that goes. I thought it was pretty decent the last time I read it, for what it's worth, though the snatches I remember might be more than a little outdated now... like, does anyone even do that "muse" thing anymore? What with my limited fic-reading exposure at the moment I could just be missing it, but I don't recall seeing any of that of late. Thankfully.

    They might not shut it down at all, you know, or at least not for a while. I don't know your school's policy on that sort of thing (or my school's, for that matter... maybe I should look into that and move the rest of those old projects off the school sever at some point), but I'm pretty sure I've seen some student pages for other universities that look like they've been up for a loooong time. If they do shut it down/you decide to move before you can get your own hosting, though, I could give you a little space in the meantime.

    speaking of which you should totally go with my hosting company and use one of my referral links so I can get moneeeey

    like all of two dollars or something considering the kind of package you'd be buying, but

    You still have that room to yourself for now?
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