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  • Maybe, maybe.

    So I inferred from your mention of putting your Author's Cafe stuff on it. I assume the reviewing guide on Paradigm Shift will also find its way there as well? (Also, only Pokémon fanfic or fanfic in general?)

    Incidentally, are there any plans to add fifth gen attacks to the metronome generator?
    I might, but honestly it doesn't strike me as something you'd be terribly interested in so I haven't bothered. Fanfiction, on the other hand (assuming I can get out of this reading funk... and this everything-else-funk, for that matter), I know I'm interested in!
    Put me down as also intrigued by this perpetually in-development fanfiction website. Just, you know. In case you ever feel like divulging any secrets about it.
    A fanfiction website? I am intrigued. Is that perpetually in-development meaning actually getting made but very slowly, or perpetually in-development meaning "I have epic plans and will totally get around to putting them into practice someday, really"? (And yes, you should get back to posting in the Café. Not that it's been overly interesting recently; mostly it's been -Silver- asking for advice on making all her female characters weak and childish.)

    Psychic and I were planning a revamp of the AAA and had made an outline of it, I believe, but nothing ever came of it thanks to laziness/business on both our parts. :/ I can't even find the outline anymore.

    Speaking of Serebii and Psychic, she's still being busy and hasn't had time to finish her judging for the Perspective contest, but she has been making progress and to save time once she does finish it, would you be able to wrap up your judging and send it to me now/soon? Sorry for all these crazy delays.
    Heh, I don't think I ever read any of his stuff back in the day. What was it like?

    You've made a lot of epic posts in the Authors' Café. I was thrilled to get an excuse to find that one and link to it somewhere a couple of people might see it, but really I'd most like to stick it into Advice for Aspiring Authors or something. (Or, more accurately, I'd like to redo Advice for Aspiring Authors from the ground up, but I'm lazy and easily distracted.)
    I can't see it anywhere, but does a signature ability/move cost money?
    A match I reffed over at TPM ended up getting perish song banned for the rest of the tourney, so yeah, having seen that first hand I would tend to agree.
    Pretty sure I remember seeing people from the UK talk about going, at least.

    Would perish song count as an OHKO for the purposes of this round of the tournament? I don't anticipate having to use it (and knowing me it'd probably backfire on me anyway), but I'm curious.
    Really? I could've sworn there were a few other countries in 2009, at least. Huh.

    So I am, although now that it's in both places I might have to go find a different sexy HS picture for one just for a little variety.
    Hah, that's cool. Go Italian guy, I guess, if only for the sake of variety. (Has anyone not from the US or Japan even won before?)

    Meanwhile, I finally got fed up with Firefox and switched over to Chrome more or less full-time, and when I did I made a quick theme out of that Showdown Pyralspite painting thing I showed you before. The sexiest new tab page, I has it.
    Accurate to actual damage calculations. The original calculator already displayed all sixteen possible damage rolls along with the range; I just removed that display and had it pick a number from there instead.
    Yeah, that's not broken. The range is the same both times, which for your purposes is what you're looking for. I also included a randomizer to pick a number from that range as a damage roll; just ignore that part. (This calculator is actually intended for something specific, which is why it gives a damage roll in addition to the range and is also why it includes the RNG. It just happens to be usable for standard damage calculation if you ignore both of those and just pay attention to the range.)

    That's cool. Probably won't be watching any of it myself at this point, but I might go catch the match videos on the site later or something. And yeah, definitely next year! No more goddamn parahax *fistshake*
    Can you give more detail than that? It doesn't seem to do that for me after a quick test.

    ...why does everyone find bugs in my calculators that I can't reproduce :(
    Hm... My memory's rather hazy right now. Maybe I used one of the other Rare Candies I had. Well, not really a problem anyhow, Megatherium's an experience gain machine.
    One more question; Would a Gyarados need water to be able to move around?

    Also can you go Feebass>Milotic?

    Also I never knew you liked homestuck :o)
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