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  • Hi there! Since to my knowledge you don't have an AO3 account yet, and since you probably have something much, much more important to be doing whenever you get around to reading this, I thought it my duty to inform you that SiCk has updated. :D
    What images are hosted by tumblr...? You mean like - this? Those should still save normally... idk. :[ :[ maybe it's a firefox thing but they saved fine when I used firefox! I THINK YOU HAS A BUG.
    Uhmmm I just save them regularly and they don't save as html documents? What browser do you use?
    As a follow-up to Moo's question: how do they evolve? 5 exp and then battle holding the right item?
    do pokemon like onix and slowpoke need to battle in order to evolve, or just be traded holding their respective items?
    Not at the moment (at least nothing that'd be available right when it opened) aside from a generous allowance for AHBE-style moves; I figured they might like a gym system or maybe a ladder or something once they get used to the game, though. Maybe an expanded version of my Battle Arena thing as a battle style. And if it gets far enough to include contests, they have a few other "minigame"-like things that I might try to convert into an ASB-friendly format. It'll be a long while before any of that happens, though.
    Me just kind of coming up with it. The last time I tried garnering help from the community it... didn't go all that well, and not much got done. I thought this time I'd get most of the foundation out of the way and see where I could go with suggestions from there.
    Mm, I guess, considering the range you were planning on restricting them to.

    Not that I know what the hell to do in my case anymore because there's a huge overhaul going on and I'm confused so I'm just going to stop thinking about OIASB until that gets sorted out, I guess.
    Well great. Then I can save my money and still continue to abuse growth mercilessly.

    Why do you think it wouldn't have had an effect, though? Was it just the specific range you were thinking of limiting them to, or something else?
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