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  • Aw, did you chicken out? I mean, have a change of heart?

    Would it be all right for me to do something like that, though? At least, hypothetically?
    It's okay for me to buy a move at my business that my pokémon currently already knows so that I can keep that move after I evolve it and it loses natural access to it due to the movepool reduction, right >>;
    "You've withdrawn too many pokémon. Your active squad cannot exceed %1$s pokémon." not sure if you knew about this; I assume it should say 'ten'.
    I heard the refferee tryout battles are graded every week; what day on said week?

    I was reading Karkat's new business idea (mr nostalgia house) and he said at the end that as of now Pokémon can only use moves they are able to learn in gen 5, which kinda contradicts what Kratos Aurion says in his introduction to ASB.

    Who holds the truth?
    one question, I'm trying out for ref. could I ref Thunder Wave in a way that it would be "absorbed" by the ring of Dark Pulse?
    derp, one last question. Does substitute block the item stealing effect of thief?
    Quick question, would a Pokémon under the effects of telekinesis have any chance of avoiding hypnosis? More specifically, would they still be able to block it out by covering their eyes?
    Hum, hello again. I was wondering if there was any way to erase a Signature Move. If it is upon evolution, I would like to know it because the Pokémon just evolved. Thanks!
    As a question, is it possible for Thunder to work in the second round of the tournament? (I would assume so, but it is indoors.)
    Ooh! After this, if you are planning on another contest unlike the huge yearly contest, can it be a Round 2-style tournament? I have an idea with my new pokemon but never made it to round 2.
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