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  • Actually, good point.

    Also how do I get an evolution-stoned pokemon to evolve? Growlithe wont evolve even with one.
    I agree! Next tournament can we have hand-picked matches (ex: decents against decents, pros against pros, etc.) and can we host another small tourney after this one?
    For the tournament, would a Safeguard used in the previous round protect against a song's effect?
    Hey, Negrek?

    Spatz, my Pichu in ASB has participated in several battles, but has received no happiness. He has received exp, but I can't evolve him using that. Would you mind making a fix? Please.
    What sort of songs are prohibited from the tournament?

    EDIT: Offensive as in explicit, sexual, or discriminatory?
    That sounds infinitely superior to being in a double with two roommates, I must say.

    bluh I can't find what I wanted to show you. :( so instead I'll just show you this in the vain hope that you can at least appreciate how perfect this is, even though I know you said you never watched that much TV. (I never really watched this show and I can at least appreciate the beauty of Sheldon!Equius, so...?)
    I would probably find it infinitely confusing, but can I come with you anyway? I don't have air conditioning. :(

    Oh! Actually. There is another thing I saw. Byrus mentions it in the club thread so you might've seen this, but definitely read this ask tumblr if you haven't already. Aaaand now I think about it there was a comic I saw that I liked but I need to find it again.
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