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  • Should my ASB growlithe evolve, would it be able to pull off a Flare Blitz+Extremespeed Combo at extreme damage and energy?
    Is the signature attribute/move approver post still open? I was thinking of giving it a go. (since they're kinda piling up at the moment :x)

    And do you need to post in the approval center for upgrades you buy for your team? (in shops like ultraviolets and moon-panthers)
    Do you continue rolling for static even though an opponent is already paralyzed (to aggravate the paralysis even more)?

    ((Also, does emergency reffing count for being allowed to have a fourth battle, or just a battle you actually own?))
    I vividly remember a battle where my opponent's Cacnea died of energy loss while asleep.

    His last move, used via sleep talk, was Destiny Bond.
    Yup, I remember it. I'm still willing to continue if you want to. Oh, and apologies for the wait, by the way - I guess I'll have to find someone else to co-own the business, now that Dragon's no longer on TCoD.
    I guess. It just seems like a pretty drastic nerf rather than a simple check on further insta-aggrons and what have you, but I guess you have your reasons.
    forget outrageously expensive, what about disgusting Mm. That's a shame, then.

    Why did you have exp share give no experience to anything if only one point is gained? That seems kind of ew, potentially not getting any experience for anything even after you presumably put some effort into a battle (e.g. losing a 1v1). Couldn't you just not share it, or force the transfer of the 1 exp or something? Also, would that mean that a pokémon holding an evolution item wouldn't be able to evolve afterward? The fact that removing the last exp point from something like an arcanine would cause it to devolve implies that there needs to be an experience point for the evolution as opposed to just an appearance, right?
    >\ Negrek needs better library badly! There's no McDonald's or anything nearby?

    Not really wrt to TCoD (aaaand I think Killian sent me a PM about his Kutho journey a few days ago but I'm feeling too bad to open it right now ugh), though something else big has come up rather suddenly so I at least have part of an excuse. urrrgh I will find a way to work this out and prioritize better, though! Eventually!
    Hey Neg Neg Neg what'cha doing hey Neg hey Neg!
    I'm planning on making a GIANT CHESS BATTLE that's like a whole big chess board and sixteen pokemon once I get sixteen pokemon and every team gets three actions and I was like OKAY SHIT THATS JUST WRONG when I was realizing that rewards for reffing and for stuff like that and for winning are based on how many pokemon there are and seriously it just does not work with that so I figured you would step in as soon as I posted it and say "This looks interesting, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to create a few restrictions on the rewards" so I figured I would just ask you now so I could put it in the entry I put the arena on in my profile arena archive because I don't know
    Well, I intend to get around to it sometime, but most likely it won't be anytime soon.

    So if you want to call that done for or get somebody else to do it, feel free.
    Negrek Negrek there are some things they are things that you need to be looking at are you looking at them yet
    I'm thinking of trying the Advanced Level mock for ASB refereeing, and I was just wondering what those "I"s and "i"s are besides the Pokemons' Health and Energy.
    Hmm... When I saw it, only the first sentence was there. Must have been something wrong with my computer. I'll have a reffing up tomorrow.
    Oh hey Negrek, I just want to make it perfectly clear that I intend to be the one to make the "Relearn a Gen I-II Move" business.

    Hey, it's not like I already own one!
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