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  • I see...
    Impressive, I suppose. Hooray for awesome mod powers.
    Edit: "Teensy little plugin"? I suspect this is not actually mod powers at work here.
    Now I feel gullible :|
    Were those comments from people who were around when you did that? Wasn't that back when you had the rest of the TWEWY getup anyway?

    I'd forgotten about that, but if that's the case then I imagine I didn't ask because I already knew about the rest of what you were doing, at least.
    So does it only randomize when viewing your posts, or depending on a variable of a thread that changes constantly? Because everywhere I look but your posts, it's always Espeon.

    Also, sorry if I'm bothering you. Just tell me I am and I'll stop.
    Unless I am mistaken, that is somehow caused by the avatar being made smaller.
    If you've already emergency reffed in a battle once, are you supposed to step out and wait for the real ref to come back or is it acceptable to continue reffing even though the DQ time hasn't passed yet for them?
    I noticed that it does not randomize when viewing a profile, either yours or that of someone who you were talking to.
    The espeon/umbreon avatars. Explain this witchery immediately.

    (Does it have anything to do with the way you replaced our avatars on April Fools'?)
    They are, aren't they? The Pyralspite one is my new desktop background forever.

    I am planning to do something along those lines at some point, yes. Grr.
    Well, it's every single one, really; the battle system was the first thing I fell in love with about Pokémon, and something deep in my brain twitches horribly when something that's grossly dumbed-down in comparison to the real thing is passed off as Pokémon battling. But the one that triggered that tweet in particular was GPX+.
    Bawww library computers. Get internet at home, dammit. There must be a way to make it happen.

    What do you mean "thinking about the Dragon's Den", out of curiosity? Is cool pic, but I am confused.

    Unrelated, but I found some new wallpapers for you.

    EDIT: ooooh wait, I get it, when you said "the posts wouldn't go through" I thought you meant you weren't able to post anything at all. I see the post now. Never mind!
    I'm not sure if I understand what Zapi is saying, but I know that if you check STAB/crit with one BP in the field, then change the BP without unchecking it first, it still calculates STAB/crits based on the old value. I guess that's what she means? That's been a problem since the beginning, anyway, and hopefully one I'll get around to fixing it when I redo it in Not Flash. Or that will fix itself, anyway, because I don't think that's my fault and maybe it's just because Flash/those components is/are dumb.

    (Speaking of calcs, for reasons I finally got around to fixing up one of those calculators I showed you before—still doesn't take Gen V into account directly, but you can use it if you want something a little less confusing than wtfsmogon's. I also found this which is probably the prettiest and most thorough Gen V calc I've seen, but it's Silverlight and also locked up my browser for a while so you might want to stay away until it's ironed out or if you can't run Silverlight apps all that well.)

    And great! Glad to hear you're enjoying it. :)
    Sorry if I'm being impatient, but do you know when you are going to get time to get caught up with all of the bank stuff?
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