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  • Well, instead of an EXP listing, there's just a link which I could click to evolve him (which I have no intention of doing for now).
    Would it be possible to hold a battle where all of the competitors would only be able to use ten moves? And if so, would it be allowed to have one of them be something they normally would not learn as long as it's reasonable and only for the battle? (Encore on zigzagoon, incinerate on Arylett's poochyena and mega punch on ralts, for an example.)

    Several of us from the RP Sanctic have been planning a battle with our characters. It may not happen immediately but I'm just asking so we can prepare.
    Hey Negrek... if I were to ref a battle where there were four actions every round, would I get a pay bonus?
    By the way, how much experience does Megatherium have? Since the Rare Candies I can make with all that stuff are so much more appealing than having Truant back.
    Negrek, is there any reason why you're currently two days late with the reffing for Karkat vs. Barubu? I am just dying from the tension.
    What exactly do Rare Candies do in the ASB? I looked in the Rules and such and couldn't find any mention of them.
    Hey Negrek, if you need a hand with the tournament battles, I'd be happy to take over a couple for you.
    Well, that, and my parents are both lawyers.

    The guest red does wonders.
    But what's gruesome about having your eyeballs pop out of your skull because a cattle prod was shoved down your spinal cord?
    Well, there's one catch. Because of how much stuff you can do with a law degree around here, there are lots of people who study law, specially out of indecisiveness. So it can get kind of competitive whenever more isn't merrier.

    It was easy. All I had to do was take a nap on the guest red.
    I know fakemon exist, though I don't own any. Do they get any 5th generation upgrades?
    I find it hilarious that two of the three battles I picked up have been DQ'd. I really hope I don't pick up any more, at risk of terrifying the kiddies with my DQ flavor text.

    Speaking of Pwne's getting DQ'd, are his Pokemon going to get given out on the Black Market like Joseph or that other guy? Or is that only for people who get banned from ASB for sockpuppeting?
    hey, I think I've (finally) written out all the new abilities and things I want to add to my business - should I post them now, or do you want me to wait until you've gone over the price changes and stuff I posted before?
    Oh. I tagged this battle after it was finished, and it does seem that neither of the participating pokes got their exp. Sorry.
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