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  • If I'm reffing a battle that started before Gen. 5, can the Pokémon involved use Gen. 5 moves? What about moves that they didn't know (but existed) in Gen. 4 and know in Gen.5?

    EDIT: Also, if a trainer gives commands that don't match up with the bottom line, do we follow the bottom line or the verbal description?
    Well, I guess the main differing point is that there's no such a thing as a law school in here -- you can study law just like you'd study any other university subject. Furthermore, it's not strictly a study of law, it's a study of rights. So, "law school" around here has a significant philosophical baggage that can be used for the vast majority of fields.
    Erm. Remember when I tried out for signature attribute approver a little more then a week ago? I just wanted to know if I was approved or not. Because. You haven't told me yet. I know you're busy, and I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, I've just been wondering about it for a while.
    Is a trainer allowed to call out to a sleeping Pokémon to try and wake them up?
    Out of interest, have you been through the PRO recently? Because Mewtini hasn't got her Gothita/Thunderstone/Soothe Bell/Pecha Berry from here and I was just wondering whether that was because you hadn't gone through at all or whether you'd just missed that one.
    HOLD IT! At least around here, there's a shitload of things you can do with a law school degree. For example, my brother is also going to study law, but he intends to become a journalist (and around here a degree in journalism is near useless). So, while I am intending to actually work with law, I could end up elsewhere.
    I mean using yawn right after you used encore. Would that make them think their performance wasn't good enough and break the encore?
    Oh. Would using yawn after encore cause the target of encore to stop using the move?
    Would it be possible to do an yawn+endure combo to yawn and then endure the attack? If not, then what about substitute+yawn or protect+yawn?
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