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  • I don't even understand what's going on in that pic, man. It looks like a gift so I assume it's an in-joke, but... ahahaha.

    Clearly you need to live with your grandmother over the summer. There or at the library.
    Nope, that was what I meant. Thanks! That's the only one you've seen aside from the art meme?

    ...which would probably not be a bad thing if they were all like that because wow that is intensely uninspired for an "AU", haha. Some of the art is cute, though.

    And in case you were wondering;

    Nickname of the Snivy = Plevel = Weed in Czech (becuase Google Translate was providing nothing good for 'Ivy').
    Female is fine, and I'll handle the name later just in case that was the next thing you were going to ask.

    If not, sorry if I sounded rude.
    I guess I'll take it then?

    *wonders what to do with two Snivys*

    But yeah, I'll get the Snivy with Contrary with my *outdated* voucher.
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure I was Creed back then.

    I don't need it, I already have a Snivy (and I doubt I'd be able to use that voucher on another Pokemon as I already selected Snivy).
    Hey. Do you still remember the whereabouts of any of that Pokémon/Homestuck AU stuff you told me about a while ago? Even the crappy stuff. If you do, could you maybe shoot me some links, or at least point me in the right direction?
    Kay then.

    I had that Snivy voucher from before the B/W release, but I suppose I don't even need it / don't have it due to having a new ASB record.
    So, these days, in my ASB, I've been reffing an eight-man battle. Operating it with PMs, just like you're doing with the 15-man battle royale we're having here. And one thing I've just gotten to see is that this system makes circular commands a possibility.
    Hi, I just have one question.

    I've seen a few trainers in ASB with Pokemon that had Dream World abilities (ie. Snivy with Contrary).

    I'm assuming to get these I would specifically have to request for it in the Pokemon Registration thread (when buying a Pokemon from there, that is)?

    No, I don't want any of my Pokemon to have a Dream World ability at the moment, but I'm just wondering.
    Okay, Dragon Dance and Thunder Fang took an extra 1% energy each for some reason... after that I'm not seeing any other errors in calculation. :?
    His name is Rhinovirus.

    ...seriously, that's the only reason I thought of making this line. It's a little rhino thing that has lots of hypodermic needles sticking out of its body full of nasty diseases.

    So, do the calculations look good?
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