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  • I am fantastic at whining.

    I'm so good at whining I managed to convince the director of the fangame I work on to include a poison-type rhino in the postgame.
    Hi, Negrek.

    I've been inactive here for quiet a bit... Anything new in ASB that I should know about (as I'm joining again)?

    Also, it seems the Profile Archive was cleared, so I need a new account?
    Fine with me, anyways.
    So there's this Seven Sages ASBattler group. There are tournaments or some such planned for the future for all seven to participate in.

    Would those be able to be excluded from the usual three-or-four-battle limit? Because if not, it would be really hard to coordinate everyone.
    1. Yes.
    2. They have a 70% chance of being replaced by a Pokemon stolen from a randomly chosen trainer at the end of each round.
    3. The stolen Pokemon also has a 70% chance getting replaced by the end of the next round.

    And I don't get that last question.
    By the way, I'll likely be free to challenge soon, so, it's a good time to ask about this one arena I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to use. It'd be an arena that steals other trainers' Pokemon and replace the original fighter with a fresh steal. All experience, of course, would only go to the original fighters, and there would be no external impact upon the stolen Pokemon, so it's basically a species-changing arena except it also gives the newly gained Pokemon a nickname, possibly an item, possibly signature stuff and a chance to disobey attacks.
    Superlative can also be one of the best ways to make it clear that you're being sarcastic.

    Well, that's good to hear, because, in the forum where I'm hosting this league, any big projects tend to die away quickly. That mine lasted a month was already unusual, and it's only a few days short from the second month now. Then again, I guess this might be because most things done around there would only call one of the two crowds present, whereas ASB is for everyone.
    Or sarcastic remarks. I went ahead and said that those I wrote on the effect description of Splash are the truest words I have ever written.

    I'm not sure how long it will last, but for now at least, some people are pretty excited. I still have a few things I haven't brought in yet, so, I guess I'll be able to keep things fresh for a while.
    It wasn't posted in a battle, though.

    Apart from that, the league is going along pretty well. I've got some extremely active referees now -- one of them got eighteen reffings done last week.
    So, my league just got its first post wherein somebody actually thinks the effects given for Splash might just not be completely ironic.
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