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  • Hey there, just a quick issue to check in on.. I noticed you updated my profile for my finished match with Kratos, but you only gave over three of the XP to Roomba - whereas she should have six total, since the other three in the match were also meant to transfer and got one apiece for participating.
    François who?

    I'm 100% sure the quote on your signature was said by Walt Whitman.
    awesome! Yeah, I was thinking that I would probably have to work a weakness in if I wanted to add abilities. I'll be overhauling my business sometime today so there'll be a post in the Business Approval thread soon.
    would it be possible to add body mods to my business that would add or replace a pokemon's ability (like Shell Armor, Heatproof, Rough Skin etc)?
    Okay then~ Good to know for now, though do you really check it?

    I know, but I wouldn't think many people would look there since I'm guessing that most that do are looking just because they're bored or something, or because they want to get something approved.
    Oh, and I have an idea for ASB. (the Suggestion Box is outdated, so...)

    I was thinking that maybe at the top of the PRO, you could have a list of the businesses that deal with sig attributes and all that. It would help the businesses get some advertising...

    Just an idea, I thought of it since I'm talking to a shopowner over IRC. Thanks~
    And Sollux :3

    Made me get back into Homestuck as well. (Dunno why I actually ever read it, but I did. And now I will get back to it. Don't ask XD)
    They were pretty good, I must say. Especially the Doc Scratch one.

    Okay, thank you!
    Hi ^^

    One: I have found out that you made the unreal air avatars by sneaking into conversations =D

    Two: How much longer will it be until you check our referee applications? I'm trying to wait, but it's been awhile...

    Sorry for nagging D: but I wanted to remind you...sorry, really.
    Yeah, I think I still have about 11 or so left. And I'm breeding more, I'm trying to get a shiny using the Mesuda method. Found a female.
    Very late in mentioning this, but I just wanna say good job on the April fools layout! It really amused me and also inspired me to start reading Homestuck again.
    So, my Nidoran just gained what I'm pretty sure is enough experience for one evolution.

    As the battle integration part is, as far as I'm concerned, not yet complete, would I be supposed to handle the process manually as it used be to done?
    Also one last problem, I should have An additional $15.

    (also i have a business waiting for an approval but if you don't have the time its ok since i probably don't have enough money to buy it)
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