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  • A butternut squash is not a pumpkin.

    The thing in the corner of my screen was not a butternut squash.

    Firefox got rid of it though. Image-blocking functions are extremely helpful.
    White text on a white background is hard to read. Case in point: the date a post was posted, or the names of tabs in profiles.
    Ah, okay Negre-waaait, you changed your name. Okay D'Hoffryn. TOO MANY CHANGES IN ONE DAY DX
    Negrek. THANK YOU YES YES YES! But it does have black text on a black background :c
    Wait, it just changed to something that has black text on a black background.
    ...you're sick with SBAHJ fever, this ain't awesome. Most of us are thinking you xD Or Opal, or Butterchuru. ADMINS. I think you have conceived this "awesome" style *eyes narrow to a squint*
    Negrek! *points finger* Are you responsible for all this?! We know you love Homestuck! *eyes narrow*

    Don't worry, I'm not that mad :) However, this style hurts my eyes.
    My last question, I promise,

    Just wondering if you have a damage and energy calculation system that I could use for ASB reffing. I actually can't remember if there's a calculation system here -_-. If there is, please kindly point me in the direction. If not, do you have one I might be able to use?

    Thanks (again)
    Unless they were under the impression Telekinesis was a self-targeting move to begin with. Which I don't doubt.

    The lack of contact and base power were the bits that made that impression not grow on me. It's hard to cause damage purely on being unsettling, and it's not as easy to unsettle without a touch. Besides, the name Struggle Bug kind of implies some sort of agitated movement. Ultimately, I settled for basing it upon smell -- we do have several instances of sound-based damage, after all, and one science teacher of mine once showed the class that there is such a thing as a painful scent. The most direct way.

    When you know what you're doing, playing without caps isn't a problem. But when you're still taking your first tottering steps into that thing called "strategy", it can turn out badly in myriad ways. And very few people in my league have good strategy going.

    Also, that was a pretty creative description you gave Fusion Bolt. I personally just did the same thing I do to whatever relates to Zekrom/Reshiram: pawn it off forces of darkness/light.
    My PM system has been...difficult. So if you've gotten my PM(s) ignore this (and my first question). But just in case neither message sent (which I have a feeling might've happened) I have a question. This is my first time here for about ten months, except for lurking, and so I was wondering if I need to retake the referee test for the ASB? My name is still on the list, so am I still a ref? Thanks.
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