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  • Yup, I guess so! I was frantically trying to complete it before Saturday, forgetting you were still out of the Asber league-town. Oops.
    ^^ No problem, I like helping with the ASB CP even though I'm not doing much, hehe.

    Okay. I actually used it, not sure if I entered it wrong or anything. I'm pretty unsure of myself in general around ASB, honestly.
    Yup, I did. It tells me that I've already claimed the allowance.

    Great! Also (I'm sorry if this is a bit rude; if so, please tell me) I applied to be a referee, and *obviously* it would be nice if you checked it out. Although I am not sure if the calculations are right...
    Oh, yes it actually works! I claimed the $3 more that I should. Works perfectly. Also, I got some birthday money-$15 to be precise-from Squornshellous Beta. I thought I'd ask, but I understand you having these other issues. Thanks~
    So, how was your academic trip? ...I hope I got that right, what you went away for.
    Yes, mental powers usually force us to use words that make us feel silly. Worse: at one point, there was a guy trying to get his Sableye to use Telekinesis on itself. As an immediate measure, I had it fail just because Sableye are Dark-types; later, I settled on making any sort of psy-power debate ultimately fall upon the referee's personal interpretation. What really bit me, though, were the more ill-described moves, like After You and Struggle Bug.

    Super Fang isn't affected? Hm, misread that bit. Regardless, my own policy is that only self-inflicted damage doesn't count towards damage caps. In my league this is important because people in general are too new to the energy system and have a bad habit of not reading the rules, so they end up employing high-damage, high-cost styles that usually have them barging into damage caps and wasting a lot of energy. In fact, damage caps often end up being seen as things that don't help, and instead, harm the flow of battles. Hopefully this is about to change, as some people are battling with no damage cap and it's biting them in the butt when things like Super Fang come into play (pun intended).
    Sorry to bother you, but I managed to miss all of the 'ASB Data Collection Thread' stuff, so do I have to make myself a new account, and do I get to keep my postion as a Novice Referee? Thanks for your time.
    Did any attack get particularly hard to come up with a description for?

    Also, seems as though we both made it a point to mention Final Gambit is affected by damage caps as per normal.
    Ctrl + U didn't do anything... But, I think I figured out what was wrong. For some reason, the button doesn;t appear on Internet Explorer. It appears on supposedly everything else. People reccomended using Fiefox, and my phone, which has a web browser called MEdia net, had the button. It just seems to disappear on Internet Explorer.
    Since I'm no longer mortified.

    (Well, okay, still mortified because wtf is wrong with me doing all that before I'd even posted there + projects, but now I have posted there and I'm just going to keep telling myself that that makes it marginally almost okay now.)
    UPDATE: Negrek, I got it to work. Internet Explorer doesn't like it...but there is one more thing that bothers me still. The other buttons (i.e. "Buy Pokemon") still show up fine. It's that one. Specific. Button. But thank you for trying to help! :D
    I usually use Internet Explorer 8, but tried it in Firefox (sorry, I don't know which version) and it still didn't appear. Laptop, Windows 7 if that even makes a difference. Lenovo ThinkPad R500 (probably doesn't matter, but still.)
    Yup. Snover's party icon and the box are all fine and dandy. Nothing missing except for that button.
    Okay Negrek, got the source code. Here you go! (well, the link to Pastebin.)
    Clicky for code :3
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