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  • Negrek, this control panel is awesome I love how it's so convenient, and doesn't require linking. I have a small question about it though. My "Withdraw/Deposit Pokemon" button is missing for some reason I tried logging out and re logging in, and also changing the styles. It didn't work. Am I being stupid? or is there something wrong?
    By the way, as I've also had to write descriptions on Gen V attacks and abilities, I'm giving the updated A&A guide a read.
    How can you play a motorbike? That's just silly.

    Indeed. Or better yet an overactive friend with Skill Swap so they can both help each other out.
    Oh, they can just put out any old thing and make billions because we're secretly all consumer whores.

    They can't help pretending to be other things, it's their ability making them do it. Like, I'm sure Slaking would love to attack every single turn, but damnit, Truant, gotta be lazy.
    That's not very good marketing strategy, to be honest. There should be air everything. Air flutes. Air drums. Air tambourines. Air televisions because why stop at instruments.

    Philosophers, no. However, I'd hope they'd be allowed to be individuals rather than being universally tarred with the brush of "ukelele-player". It's a stereotype they've worked very hard to dispel.
    Well, a ukelele is a kind of guitar.
    In any case, surely the point of expressing oneself musically is not confining oneself to what the general consensus deems one is "meant" to play. Or something along those lines but more coherent.
    *raises hand*
    So is every member of ASB going to have that tab on their profile there?

    Also, was the reason you needed those party sprites for this whole BBcode update?
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