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  • Oh, okay. Unfortunately I'm a bit too busy to help, but I'm anxious that my friend ABCD might be missed - he's got his Pokemon approved but he hasn't actually battled yet because I've been too busy to teach him the basic ASB lingo.
    I'm a bit confused as to how we should post others' profiles in the data collection thread. Can anyone do that for their friends, or are there people selected to post the profiles?
    Ohhhhh, I get it. Thanks! More questions, sorry.
    How do the sig moves work? Do I approve them somewhere? And are there rules for them? Same questions for Body Modifications. Thanks.
    H-hey! moon-panther ended up approving the account(I was gonna wait, but it turned out I already had a bank account request). I put up a profile in the thread, but does it need to be approved or something? Or can I just go to the Challenge Board and challenge?
    Oh. Well, I don't know. I should wait...but I'm 9 and impatient. Ugh. Also, off-topic, I'm confused as to the bold. Didn't the bold name mean mod status? But it doesn't appear like that. Anyway, thanks.
    Hai. Bank account help: Should I wait 'til the new system is implemented? Or should I get in now?
    Not anymore, no. :p So I was correct in assuming we weren't supposed to see that?
    Leveling up happens before everything else. It would sort of have to since I'm allowing people to use their action as soon as they level up, as I believe I said.
    Discussion that is leading to not abstaining, though! It's early days yet (jebus I wasn't expecting this much activity this soon), but somehow I doubt they'll have settled on abstain after all this. After all, what do they have to fear from going after someone out of the gate (as far as they know)?
    Discussion, discussion everywhere, and all on a day with a painfully obvious first-night kill.

    And you doubted me.
    Eh, I wouldn't be so quick to say that. Yeah, it's likely (and possibly more likely than if they'd gone for someone less well-known/experienced), but I am hoping that some people will slip up in their mad rush for MOAR POSTS MOAR POSTS SEE KRATOS I AM HELPFUL and then kick up some real discussion!

    ...did I not say "body"? Oh dear. But I guess that is a funny typo!

    ...no actually I did say body, though now I sort of wish I hadn't.
    I know, I'm sorry. :( I felt bad when I saw that's the way they were leaning, especially since I'd specifically invited you to play and all.

    But maybe there will be a lynch vote tie and you can at least attempt to get semi-revenge that way?
    Hm, what is the new job? Is it something regarding entering fifth-gen info?

    Also, you should make a new PRO/Bank come fifth gen.
    By the way, what's that important job you wanted people to do for your birthday? I'll do slave labour so long as it doesn't involve me buying you anything, not to mention that I have the week off.
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