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  • so did you MISS EVERYTHING or do you mind telling me what the hell I just saw

    like I'm not even going to say anything about Eridan anymore because clearly I have no idea what the hell is going on

    okay so yeah apparently you MISSED EVERYTHING

    go go go catch up fast aaaaaaaaaaa <33333333
    Ah, but who's to say Equius won't be able to converse post-countdown? I don't recall this conversation either, but we thought Kanaya and Aradia were gone and were wrong about that, and at least Feferi (if not also Tavros to an extent) can communicate even while dead.
    Oh, I don't doubt Terezi will be okay--odds are that she and Karkat will last the longest out of all the not-murderous trolls, barring new Aradia development + whatever's up with Kanaya.

    ohfuck am I slow or did I only just notice a possible connection between the vast croak and the vast honk. I am not paying attention to anything lately.
    oooh I know wasn't it cool! I'm currently a little distracted by whatever's going on with Terezi and possibly Kanaya (the fang marks on Terezi/Feferi + "I smell something bright" + wtf glowy bandages... I was browsing MSPA Wiki looking for refs for the trollnies and saw a statement about "Kanaya's fangmarks" which confused the hell out of me until now aaaaa), but epic flash was epic.

    That is a nifty find there!
    CA: maybe not yet yeah
    CA: but im pretty confident it wwill go down evventually
    CA: wwho knows maybe eridan is evven half right about this destiny stuff yet
    CA: and they can make the choice to rekindle their rivvalry and keep it goin on forevver
    CA: or some shit like that
    CA: and I guess theres the answer to the vvriska eridan wwho wwill wwin thing
    CA: so either it snaps them out of it or somethin like that and they resolvve to come back later
    CA: or theyvve both run out of hope and luck
    CA: or maybe as a third option gamzee is going to get his at last
    CA: but really honk fuckin likely is that

    (That would be very useful, yes!)
    Well, I would think a very large part of it was the fact that it was titled "Post Restriction Mafia", which of course mine would be, but TCoD as a whole is only just getting into games with special mechanics (as opposed to pre-explosion when pretty much everything was identical to Butterfree's older basic rules thread thing), and I figure they'd need some pretty hefty explaining/handholding before most people would be okay with it. Bleh.

    CA: wwell I guess that's true
    CA: givven that, it also sorta makes you wwonder whats goin to happen between mindfang and dualscar
    CA: cause after he killed her lovve slavve and all i dunno
    CA: that seemed to hit a pretty fuckin sore spot
    CA: and eridan hasnt done anythin quite that bad i dont think
    CA: (unless he did somethin to a nicholas cage poster wwe havvent seen yet)
    CA: wwhereas it looks like mindfang and dualscar are pretty much goin to kill each other in a blaze of black glory

    CA: by the wway im gonna be so fuckin mad if this color tag doesnt wwork
    Isn't it, though? This is why I want to run a post restriction mafia! Only most of TCoD would probably bitch about it in much the same way, meh... but still, one of these days I will try!

    wwould you not start wwith the fish puns

    and anyway wwhats so bad about bein an eridan sure he needs some practice wwith that fuckin science magic stuff but clearly he is a vvery awesome troll
    It wasn't here, it was something I found while lurking the mafia wiki on MafiaScum. In any case, I found the game! Scroll down a bit to see some of hers; a lot of the other restrictions were pretty hilarious, too. I think the guy she quotes in one is restricted to posting only in haiku, for example.

    See, one of the cool things about being a little older than you is that, if that Ophiuchus nonsense were true, I would at least have Gamzee as a patron troll right now. :P

    EDIT: For a second there, you abusing your admin powers made it look like my post didn't show up and I'd lost it. Show some restraint, why don't you.
    I think she was at least allowed (well, allowed herself since it was a fake restriction) to quote people, so she could echo a lynch vote another person made if nothing else. And I think she had a few "pointing up" smilies she used to refer to posts above hers, so there was that. But yes! Find it! I didn't read through the whole game, but what I saw was really cool!

    In favor of Vriska, or at least Vriska not dying, not so much because I prefer her over Eridan but because it would just seem weird if she didn't actually get to go after Jack. I don't expect her to survive an encounter with said Jack, but after all of that buildup it would be really anticlimactic if she didn't even get a chance to try.
    No no no I wanted to do a Golden Sun post restriction mafia sometime after ToS and the glitch thing. Back off. >|

    I don't remember where it is! I went looking for it when I first mentioned it but couldn't find the thread. I will look again and find it, though--apparently the woman who had the restriction was mafia godfather or something, didn't really have a post restriction but made one up for herself so as to blend in, and she almost won, too. It totally blew my mind that she was actually able to communicate effectively that way!
    I've seen post restrictions involving posting in nothing but board smiley icons. They could deal with it. >|
    Ah. Thanks, I guess?

    Also, by the way, your mafia game should totally have a few roles with typing quirks as post restrictions. Maybe not the original ones, because a) those are recognizable and b) they're not that hard to read, but maybe make up another similar one just over the line of readability? :)
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