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  • Yeah, might as well let the simulator get handed over to Superbird. These last bits of school have been pretty tiresome and, even when I do have free time, I'm usually not very productive in it.

    Also, did that one Rare Candy I'd intended to give Karkat for his birthday ever go through? Because if it didn't, well, the newest hack apparently will let me hand one of mine over directly to him.
    How do I evolve my Growlithe? It just won against Doc Scratch. It also lost against Res.

    Also when are you marking the refs :o)
    How many people are registered in the ASB system, out of curiosity?

    Also um do you have any idea yet when you're going to open late-bracket registration? Like, will it be after round two ends, or a bit before that, or what?
    Random realizations I should not be having at four in the morning:

    1. Place two pokémon in the daycare.
    2. Get the message "The two don't seem to like each other very much."
    3. Receive an egg anyway.

    *or however you spell it, the wiki changes spellings mid-freaking-sentence gdi
    "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare vB_DataManager_usr_pokemon::verify_bodmod() in /home/antialiasis/tcodforums.eeveeshq.com/includes/class_dm_usr_pokemon.php on line 347"

    That's what I got when I tried to buy a Larvitar for bulbasaur a few minutes ago. It says it's fatal O.o
    Hi! Is there any reason for which I received each gift except for this one?

    Also, do you have any idea of what the hack would be like when it would be theoretically complete?
    Um, is there any particular reason there is no Pokemon in the ASB #1 -83? If you type in the url for an ASB Pokemon with any of those numbers you get a "Invalid pokemon specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator". At least I assume it's all of those numbers, though I haven't checked every single one.

    For example
    I guess, yeah. Then again, I am entirely the wrong person to talk to about proper time management and estimation, so I have no right to be surprised about the length being off-target in one direction or the other.

    And thank you!

    In other news, how does converting a video from one format to the other—especially when the other format is supposed to be more web-friendly and compressed—result in a larger filesize what the hell.
    15 minutes I would've been okay with (and really, I thought it'd be less since I'd already done it once before). I hadn't realized that the talking would double that.
    It was actually the same secretary bird guy in the Tumblr post—I was just recoloring/shading the same lineart, basically. That usually takes me anywhere from 15-30 minutes depending on how complex the picture is (though some of those times include cleaning up the lineart, which I skipped for this), but adding in the talking and some explanations and stuff stretched it out. It always takes longer to talk about something than it does to actually do it, and all that.
    That and there are only two projects in this class anyway, so yeah, they're going to be a bit more involved.

    That would be nice if I'd actually been trying to make it fancy. This was intended to be 10 minutes like the rest, it just took too damn long. ;-;
    The super fun part was where it turned out that I technically had more time to work on it than I thought. I didn't realize we'd have time to finish up in class. >>;

    No, this is the halfway point—just had a midterm today, actually.

    Honestly it wasn't as big a project as it sounds. My video just turned out to be hueg (the teacher would've been happy with 10 minutes but I had to go and triple that and not be able to figure out what to cut down), and so since I wasn't able to edit it down to a reasonable size I had to do an unreasonable amount of editing. There's still a bigger video project due at the end of the quarter.
    Oh, yeah. It'll probably be another few days before I actually show it to anyone, but the meat of the work is finished.

    Maybe next time I do this I'll even give myself enough time to finish without having to rush through parts of the editing/captioning and getting only an hour of sleep, etc..
    I knoooooow :3

    I finished it, actually! (So I guess you didn't see the update I posted a little while ago?) It's... er... let's just say I've grown to hate my voice, and also it is hueg, but yeah I'll be posting it somewhere soon.

    How did you accidentally the lack of pumpkin, by the way? What were you doing?
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