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  • That's what I thought, but I can never be sure with you. You are known to have two avatars at once, after all.
    so in the "currently active users" bar at the bottom of the index, why is your name italicized? Is it because you are an admin or is it just because your name is italicized?
    That kind, and the records that Effercon maintains (maybe promote it to official status?).

    What about a page for the transfer of property between parties, to replace the black market? And how about automating the sale of property directly to the black market? A payment-filing system for jobs such as approver or referee? A sig. move/attribute approval queue that approvers can access, and give feedback on?
    What about an official statistics bureau? Or integration of some businesses in ASB central?
    In a future ASB hack update, do you think that the challenge board and e-ref station could be automated? One would post the challenge, filling in the appropriate blanks, and an interested person could click a button next to the post. The first post could be automatically updated, and an interested referee could click a button next to the link to the battle to take it.

    ((Pst, I would be willing to program such a system in PHP))
    hey, well I accepted somebodies challenge on ASB and we're awaiting a referee, will I be notified by vm/pm when a referee is able to judge the battle?
    well that's stupid.. :( I mean even when I do the й character without the little thingie over it, it still doesn't work :/
    hey negrek I have a question about my pokemon's names on ASB. So I made an account and was trying to name my smoochum поцелуй (russian for kiss) but for some reason it's name kept on getting changed to поцел&# for some reason.. can you please help me?
    Oh. Uhhh. I notice round two is most of the way over. Were you thinking of opening late-bracket registration tomorrow, by any chance? Because. I'm going to be away all day.
    None that I can remember of.

    Because, you know, I'm still quite new to TCoD. Not even a year. Which by the way makes me eligible for Best New Asber. Cough.
    Hey, I just noticed my battle with Legendaryseeker99 never got tagged, even though I received the prize money and exp days ago.
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