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  • Perhaps if you edited the first post so as to make the Ghost Trick character in your avatar seem angry, that would really drive the point of hardcore ignorance home.
    hey, do the rules about small images in the profile archive apply to the new thread? I remember only being allowed to post sprites in the old one, and I was wondering if it was the same for the new one (I've meant to make a profile in there for a while and just forgot about it, heh). I can't see anything to that effect in the new one, but I thought I should ask first!
    Is it possible to encore nothing, or will it fail/use the last used move?
    New laptop or desktop, yeah. The desktop I got from my cousin mysteriously died a few months ago, and my four-year-old notebook, while still the best computer in the house and holding up well enough, is getting too old to do some of the stuff I need it to do now. (Not that the desktop could handle that stuff either, of course.)
    No, something that would allow the clients to update the site without having to touch the HTML, but also without setting up any sort of CMS or custom mini news system or whatever. Or maybe it does involve some of that and he was just too vague about it.

    Yeah, I kind of need the money for yet another replacement computer anyway, but I've got other ways to make that happen; I am owed some money for doing a sketch artist thing for Neiman Marcus on Thursday, at least, so I've gotten some money out of some vaguely school-related stuff. And we'll see; I need to email... someone else involved (that teacher, I guess) and see whether anything is even actually still happening.

    I'm telling you, you wouldn't be that interested.
    Eh, it's not that big a deal; I'm not getting paid for it, and experience-wise it isn't teaching me much I don't already know (still waiting for the teacher leading the project to explain what these strange dropboxes he was talking about are, though). Supposedly the clients were going to present the end result at a big dinner with allegedly important people, which would've been nice, but if they keep changing things such that the designers can't even send me stuff to work with then it's their fault we can't meet the deadline. /shrug

    Suspicious things, that's what.
    Don't know wat do. D: I might offer to co-GM it with you depending on how it would work and whether or not this "job" I'm supposed to be doing falls through the cracks as it appears to be at the moment, though, because without said job I might theoretically have time.
    Are we allowed to start sending in ASB award nominations now? If so, how many nominations are we allowed to send in? How many for each category? How many times can we nominate a certain person? [/lostofquestion]
    What will you do about it?

    ... If I get no response to this visitor message within a week, I'll consider it an answer.
    How do you calculate endeavor? All it says in the Guide is this:

    The user turns all the health they have lost in the current battle into fuel for a fast, tackle-like move. The more health the user has lost, the more they are motivated to try harder and deal more damage to the foe. If they are extremely weak, though, they may not have enough strength to use this move.


    Does it always bring the foe down to the user's health percentage, and if so what would the energy cost be? 75%, like the damage dealt with super fang?
    I just noticed that slight chance in the attacks and abilities guide and hardcore ignorance does quite seem to be much better an approach to the problem than just plain, standard ignorance.
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