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  • Hrm. Does Dragon Rage do 40 base power dragon type damage, or 40% untyped damage?
    Ah, okay.

    Squorn had estimated that it would be a while, what with you being busy. But I thought I'd ask anyway.

    Thanks for the help!
    Ugh, sorry for bothering you.

    I forgot about how the new system doesn't require you to give out paychecks.

    Where does that leave referee approval dates, as I remember that they were previously responded to during referee paycheck day?
    Oh, um, hi!

    I can't seem to find what day the referee paychecks are given out on the Referee Headquarters thread, as I'm applying and would like to know when to check?

    Sorry if I somehow overlooked it.
    Just curious if you got my signature attribute application yet? :0 No rush if you can't get around to it, once again just curious~
    Well, more like wait for a fortuitous opportunity to nag.

    Loaning cartridges across country lines? How would that work?
    ultraviolet says tournament battles don't take up a slot, so I don't really need to be keeping my fourth slot open. Is that true?

    Also I have an e-reffing half-done; I'll get that up tomorrow for sure, but I can't write anymore right now, haha.
    I don't recall the last time I've seen a videogame localized to Portuguese, if it has at any point happened. We just get stuff in English outright. Although anybody with enough money for videogames around here tends to have fairly decent ability to understand English.
    Soon may be out of the question, but you can rest assured that I'm going to keep pushing for it.
    No, it's been over for a long time now. The battlers settled for a draw, possibly due to my taking a long time. And also likely for more battle slots.
    Oh look, at some point battles I've taken a long time to ref became mock material.
    That or they unban the first four generations of pokémon and let me build that EVERYTHING IS LIMBER team.

    Well we'll just have to hope for less hax during the regionals so we can hang out at nationals or something, then!
    ...I will resist the urge to push a billion TV shows on you (and Penn and Teller Get Killed which is the best thing ever depending on your definition of best thing ever) and just say yes, you should be excited about that book. :D Get it.

    Also YouTube the video of Mathieu Bich on Fool Us because that's a really amazing magic trick.
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