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  • Ah ok then. But that means you're missing out on seeing this:
    Usually I suck at scratch spriting but then I was at school and I discovered the little blue cat I'd sprited last year and was all "hey, I should do a trumpet sprite :D" and that's what came out of it. The shading around the bell is kind of iffy but for what it's worth I think I did fairly decently. I mean I showed three of the other trumpets and all three of them were like "nice :D"

    ... You know, I can play this on the trumpet. I can also play this on the piano and trumpet and this on the piano. I've also been trying to play the main Pokémon theme (as in what plays in Blue if you watch the video thing) on the piano as of late... and I think I have it...! up until the main title screen starts anyway.
    It is natural, though, but try telling that to the religious people. D:

    You're right about that, but only a few do.

    (Random: here's a trumpet scratch sprite I made... at school. x3)
    Yeah uh I'm fairly sure that gay unions aren't allowed in all of the US except for those few states like Vermont and Iowa and California before Prop 8. I'm not actually too knowledgeable on the subject so I'm not sure if civil unions are actually allowed in every state or not.

    Also homosexuality wouldn't be considered unnatural if we hadn't decided that it was something God hated.
    I have a little basket of chess pieces, and the mouthpiece would stick out very easily. I used the case to put my feet up once, and there's still a dirt stain on it. 8D

    (actually I've never really talked to my principal so I wouldn't know)

    Random crap: I just got back from a politics (later religion) discussion with my parents. I mentioned how one of my friends went for McCain because Obama was pro-choice, and my mom said that there are a lot of families that are one side or another because of one issue. She said she respects people who are pro-life, and I was like "I do too, actually; I can understand why they think that, but I just can't agree. But gay marriage I cannot understand." My mom said she couldn't understand either, and I was like "I mean, we're supposed to have separation of church and state here. But the government's argument for denying gay marriage is because marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman. But then they should be able to get civil unions at least, which they're not, even though civil unions are a legal thing, but marriage is of the church, not the state."

    My mom said that some people found the idea of being gay just abhorrent and I just replied with "But see - I don't get that at all. I find it stupid."

    My mom asked me "Well, what if a guy wanted to marry a dog, or a five-year-old? Would you allow that?" She's asked me this before, and my reply was, both times, "but the dog and the five-year-old aren't consenting!" and she said "What if they decided they were?" which doesn't make any sense since five-year-olds can talk for one thing.

    But yeah... I argue for gay marriage whenever possible. Last year we had to do some public speeches for English class, and I wanted to do one on the legalization of gay marriage, but my mom thought I'd end up getting verbally attacked regularly for it, so I went with global warming instead. Then this girl ended up doing her speech on how Prop 8 made no sense and why gay marriage should be legalized.

    Turns out she was gay and now I see her and her girlfriend sometimes out the window when I'm on the bus (since her girlfriend rides my bus) and I've never heard anything (although I did once overhear her girlfriend complaining about how her teacher treated her as if she was mentally incompetent because she was going out with another girl).

    During marching band, we have paper plate awards: the section leaders write awards on... paper plates... and explaining their meaning to the band. I don't remember the exact award, but one freshman's award was based around how, in two weeks, his section managed to convert him from being a homophobe into a not-homophobe. And it helps that there's suspicions that our drum major is gay.

    Yay for gay acceptance around here (even though it could be more widespread)! My state would never go for legalizing gay marriage though D:

    long post is long
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