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  • Ah, but you might not know me if you saw me in real life. Of course it's rare to find a ten-year-old-looking girl in a middle school, so if you found the right place you might find me. O.o *hides*
    My day was avarage. I hated the idiots I have to work with in math. We have to scheduale a make-belive vacation plan package. I got put into a group of boys.
    Me- Okay.. Lets figure out a destination first. Any ideas?
    Them- Lets go to Las Vegas. *snickersnicker*
    Me- the plan includes children so I don't think Las Vegas would be the best place... Hawaii maybe?
    Them- No see, the kids would stay in the car while the parents went into the clubs.
    Me- Noes, that's done. Next topic.
    Them- We're doing Las Vegas! *pauses then snickers immaturly*
    Me- Please can't w--
    Them- Good God why wont you shut-up?? Nobody asked you! Las Vegas!

    At this point I feel like crying. Their scary when they yell. :<
    Sorry, I needed to dump this on somebody. You asked for it. ;3
    "Oh hay, let's poke holes in food to not choke lol I got a patent."
    Something like THAT. Which resulted in me almost punching in that's daft idiot's face. ;;
    The funny thing is that you're not bugging me in the least. I'm just afraid of bugging you. XD
    So... Hows it going with you today? :3
    It's apprerently in the morning, at 9-12. Some kids are going, in uniform.
    It's just that...since to my knowladge she didn't die a very grusome and bloody death,*it was either heart attacks or choking the idiot dafts at my school have not a clue. Although keep in mind these are the same idiots wthat joke about a DEATH THE DAY WE FUCKING KNEW D<* iit's probably going to be open casket.

    Somehow, that terrifies me.
    I'm trying to figure out if I can get better software for this tablet, like Photoshop,or..something. fffff my Paint drawings suuuck D:
    I just now realized you can use oil paint and stuff on this x.x BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW DAMN TUTORIAL DOESN'T SAY.
    Sorry if I seem a bit more ticked off than usual, I just found out my friend's funeral is tomorrow >:
    The only one of those I took was Bio and I hated it and ended up with a C. I'm sure you'll do better, though (and a C's really not that bad, anyways). I didn't care about General Studies either and payed no attention to the exam or anything... and then found out the unis I applied to actually accepted it was an A-level when applying for Sociology. Whoops. >>

    ABOFAL is absolutely amazing. I keep meaning to buy the DVDs (instead of watching clips on youtube), but never have the money. My Sociology seminar leader keeps referencing F&L sketches (and occasionally Monty Python ones) to make sociological points, and I think I'm the only person in the class who understands XD
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