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  • I like your avatar. =) Croc was the first game I ever played, so it brings back some memories.


    ...Oh God, don't tell me you got that awesome storm we were supposed to get.
    My parents only let us have a computer, so we have at least 30 actually good games. Battlefront, Populous, Spore... you know.

    Yeah, I got it off of eBay. 20 dollars with another game, Sim Earth, which I sold to my friend for 5 dollars. Once its installed, it's on your computer. You don't need the disk.
    For sure on the computer, that's what I have it on. I think it may have been for the playstation, but I'm probably wrong. They did just come out with a new game of the series; Populous DS
    A RTS, that's actually 3D. Rather than having a flat plane, you can circle around the world and fun stuff like that.

    You have a Shaman, which can cast destructive spells like Blast, Tornado, Volcano, Angel of Death, Swarm, Firestorm, and a bunch of others.

    Then you have workers, which build huts and can train into warriors, fire warriors (which shoot fireballs out of their hands); preachers, which convert your enemy's fighters; spies, which can sneak into enemy bases and destroy buildings by lighting them on fire...

    Amazing. It's like a bunch of native American tribes, vaguely, that kill each other. My words do not do it justice.
    Most people haven't. The most amazing game ever! <3
    What's great is that its old enough that you can burn copies of it. Would send you one, but...
    I got this:

    ...Why have you just posted an image of an advertisment for 'weirdomatic.com' on my profile?
    Croc 2, actually. Man, that's an old game. Speaking of which, have you ever played Populous: The beginning? Had its tenth anniversary last year.
    ...Why have you just posted an image of a large cool banana on my profile?
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