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  • Most of my online friends are male. ._. I think I have one female online friend...and that's Abby.
    Damn it. XD Most of my friends know two Liz's as well...which is quite annoying. XD
    But he doesn't seem to like me, I think I annoy him. Even with all the Arylettsaliva in the world... he still wouldn't like me.
    Well, I'm bad at picking up on these things and I think someone's coming on to me.
    Mike: "True. And like any half-sane creature on this planet he'd never have me anyway :D"

    We were talking about how Murkrow would never have you. But I think he wouldn't have me more.
    I know, they wheren't as good as the original, but they where ok.

    Rabbids, on the other hand...even the ad puts me off.

    Obviously I need shoes, Not just any shoes.. PIKASHOES!

    So.. EAR NOM ATTACK?! With epic awkward battle pausing action?
    I know. I just wish they had their own game, and rayman had kept with the normal idea of punching things are running around. I didn't mind rayman 2...played rayman 3 on gameboy advance and didn't mind that either. Its just those rabbidsss....*shudders*
    Punching things. 8D

    Why did they add those bloody Rabbid things? Breaks my heart to see rayman being replaced by those stupid things.
    Now, if only the new games could be like that. I'd be happy then. XD

    I keep getting sick nowadays. I wonder why...
    I know. Maybe its the fact that they don't have those really boring and complicated plots that makes em popular...

    I hope so too, I woke up feeling really sick and dizzy.
    Yeah, she is.

    Man, I wish I had spyro 1 and not just a demo...makes me sad.

    (why the fuck did I post this on MY page? This headache is messin with me.)
    I know.

    May I ask you a question other than the one I'm asking you right now, and the next one?
    Did you let me ask you the previous question? If not I'm sorry.
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