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  • Well! It wore off, finally. Took seven hours. :I

    Oh, I bite/burn my tongue all the time, and I cut it on my retainer, too. It's not too bad.
    You'll never take me alive! I mean, yeah, I'm fine with staying. Pfft. Definitely.

    Aw, thanks. :D I feel missed now! It's warm, fuzzy and guilty, that sentiment. No, not really. Haha. Seriously, thanks, though.

    Maybe you should tape HIM to a - no, not really. They sound cool! Their name is also awesome. Matroshkas. Whee.

    Eehee, awesome! I'm happy for you. I've chosen Reading as my firm choice and then Aberystwyth for my backup. I loved them both and they seemed very friendly.
    "O Oysters," said the Carpenter. "You've had a pleasant run! Shall we be trotting home again?" But answer there came none--

    The last two lines are yours.
    "It seems a shame," the Walrus said, "To play them such a trick, After we've brought them out so far, And made them trot so quick!"
    Okay wtf my dentist said that the anesthetics would wear off in two hours. It's been three hours and I can't feel any change; actually, it feels like it's spreading. :|
    Yeah go read the second most recent reffing with my battle with Kratos. It involves Kayne getting neutured by fire and then transforming into an angry, fat beast thing!

    Also NOOOOOOOOOOOO my brother's not coming home with the ToS2 TT_TT I HAD HOPE.
    Actually, no. But I'm planning on making Kayne explode when he dies.

    btw did you know Kayne got neutured by fire?
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