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    (and yes I am screwed up; I'm mentally a six-and-a-half-year-old-with-a-dirty-mind)
    I knooooooooow~

    *to self* This is what you get for listening to that song for 24 hours, Rachel; not only does it get stuck in your head during Theology, but it also will apply itself whenever possible.

    No wonder I'm so screwed up.
    You serious?

    Thank God, now Mike and Mil won't put that song in my head - no wait first comic

    That should totally be a shipping for Oddity XD

    Aww, that would be sad though!
    Oh, she'd know your name, she'd just call you "internet boy" in private.

    Around everyone else she'd call you by Mike or else.

    ...this is such an awkward conversation XD
    Yes it is.

    She thinks you should meet us so we can fall in love and get married or something weird like that.

    Which has problems of its own but that's beside the point
    I got through seven streaks and was on Palmer's last Pokémon, a Cresselia.

    I would not have lost had Signal Beam not confused my Starmie, I am sure of it. >:/
    Then, you must name your new Buneary in ASB Blastoise or Cornnfield.

    Whaaat that can't be right. You're mean to mechanical dragons, not dogs.
    My sis said that you should meet us, but i have no idea how that would work XD
    Well I lost, because since both Blaziken and Dragonite died I had to send Starmie in on the Golduck, and because I had Thunderbolt I used it, and since I had the Choice Specs I was locked into Thunderbolt, and guess what comes out next? Meganium. >:/
    My Dragonite - my last Pokémon - just survived a Stone Edge with 18 HP.

    Now on the sixth battle of what I believe to be my seventh streak.
    Running battle tower and not going to say too much about what I'm doing because of the whole "I'm likely to die if I do" but I will say that I just successfully predicted an Attract.

    How in the hell, I do not now.
    Hey, I noticed you made a Safari Zone area, but you didn't get a reply in the welcome thread. Do you just say you're making one and leave it at that or is there something else? I'm thinking about joining the Safari Zone.
    It's a cause for celebration

    (It's your Catholic education! I'm sorry, it had to be done)
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