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  • Day-of-the-week socks! I love those things! I used to have some, but then I outgrew them and they don't make cool socks in adult sizes for women ): Most women's socks are either boring and plain or say stupid things like "Shopaholic" on them. My favourite pair of socks are a pair I stole off my sister's ex-boyfriend (he's never getting them back) that say "Oh no, not more socks!" XD

    Rubles are a fantastic currency. There was a school trip to Russia in sixth for because the history lot were studying Stalin (the teacher asked if I wanted to go, but we couldn't afford it) and my best friend gave me some Rubles and Kopecs (sp?) upon her return and they're fantastic. How come you're going out to Russia? Hope it's not too too freezing out there.

    My festive season was great; I didn't really do much (hung out with parents and sister on Christmas day, had some friends over and played board games on NYE), but got a whole bunch of cool things including the big West Wing boxset, which I am loving so far, and about five pairs of pyjamas :D

    Genis-related pun for pancake day? Oh, I hope it involves "STALAGMITE!" in some way XD

    I know! It's not only snowing, but also settling, which never happens here! My sister's hoping it means college is cancelled tomorrow, which would be cool because I might be able to talk her into watching The West Wing with me. It's more fun when you'vegot someone to watch it with :)
    Attacking the Battle Arcade now in the hopes that it'll be slightly easier than the Tower. I think the Factory'd be the easiest, though.
    HAPPY (now horrendously late) CHRISTMAS also!

    And a (also late, less late than Christmads, but still embarassingly so) happy new year!

    Have a good time? Get anything good? :)
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