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  • So what did you get for Boxing Day? Does your spaghetti fork still work? Mine doesn't :(
    This message has been deleted by Kai. Reason very annoying 1 notification message when there isn't problem.

    Yeah, I hate it when that happens.
    Well at least you beat him! :D My least favorite boss was Tiamat, though. It killed one party member and blew away two others, so Quina was the only one left. That is one of the reasons that I love Quina so much - because (s)he saved my ass right then and there.
    Both, yeah. And I'm glad you liked it. That game is a classic in my opinion. I've always loved it and have played it a large amount of times. It's the game I know the most!

    I've actually been playing all of those games. FF8's pretty good. It does take a while, but it starts to pick up by the end of the first disc, I promise you. As for OoT, that kinda bored me at the beginning. I need to get into it more later. Majora's Mask I've just played for the first time today, but due to a little mistake of mine, I have to do everything over again and don't feel like playing it. But it's crazy and trippy, from what I've seen. And freaky. In a good way.

    -obligatory "SpiderMike, SpiderMike, does whatever a SpiderMike does."-

    aaaaaaaaa i know.

    Alsp Stephen is voicing the Chershire Cat in some movie.

    The Chersire Cat. That thing with the fucking weird (but also fucking awesome) floaty smile.

    With Stpehen voice. brb having nightmares
    I found Necron harder than Kuja, mainly because he screwed me up a few times with Grand Cross. One time, I was using Eiko or Dagger, Amarant, Quina, and I think Vivi. Well, Eiko/Dagger got instant deathed, Vivi got mini'd, and I think he got silenced, or he wasn't doing good damage because Shell was up, Amarant was fine, but Quina died and got Zombied. Unfortunately, you can't use a phoenix down on a dead zombie, you have to cure the zombie status AND THEN revive them, I didn't know this, so I spent five minutes wasting my phoenix downs on Quina, then I died.
    It takes a lot of thinking, but I think I finally understood how he makes sense.
    Basically, he is the Iifa Tree. As Garland said in one point of the game, "you only saw the back of the tree". The boss fought earlier in the Iifa tree was not the tree itself. Necron is the part of the Iifa Tree that was sorting souls. When Kuja used Ultima, he killed everyone, and their souls arrived to be sorted into mist or whatever. Of course, they don't want to die, so they fight back against Necron and defeat him, killing the Iifa tree, and preventing anymore spreading of mist. I think that's how it goes.


    Yeah, despite how emo-ey that song's become, Linkin Park used to be okay. Then Minutes to Midnoght came out and eww.
    I know only two attacks, sketch and struggle. Neither need a sp. attack boost.

    Guess what played on shuffle
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