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  • Is she? :0 Damnit where are all my fellow Chinese- *shot*

    Ahhh, I used to write in Unown in my planner in elementary school OTL It was... quite tedious. But fun at the same time. My classmates demanded me to write alphabetical guides for them.
    I made my own alphabet too, but I never bothered to use it.
    Ah, here comes Typh. And a flurry of what I assume to be Spanish - it made my head hurt x_x
    Why a llama though? Why not... a camel? Or better yet, A FOXHOG.

    My retardation is happy :3 Though if you make a weird alphabet it will whack you upside the head with a baseball bat. A FLUFFY baseball bat. Because those things are just awesome.
    Doesn't 'estupida' mean something like 'stupid?' OTL I dunno, that's just what I gathered.
    And I shall ask Typh when she replies to my VM~

    FFFFFFF Mike you're so mean D: Stop taking advantage of my retardationnn
    I have no idea what language that is (or are you just randomly mangling words? xD) but yeah, I just realized that now. Heh.

    Derp, so I see Greeeeeeek *opsn up a tab for a translator* ...No wait OTL That didn't work.
    You know, when I skimmed over that I thought it was in Mexican and I actually opened up a new tab for a translator OTL I suck.
    Where stuff can move very slowly. Ahhh. *nods*

    TACO. MINE. *randomly lunges out of nowhere and snatches it*

    On another note, I got brutally murdered in TWEWY Mafia :'D
    I... I... DDD: WAHHH *dashes into the shadows to huddle in a corner*

    I never thought I'd actually put that to use, actually. I just stuck that in the description to make it seem more realistic =.=
    D: *chews so rapidly that crumbs fly out of mouth* M-m-m-m-mah sombrerooooo...

    Nowait, I just realized, Yukianesa is technically faster than Volvagia :0 Their base speeds are cut in half, so... Volvagia will have a base speed of 22.5 after Icy Wind while Yuki will have 25 :D Now I am happy I added in that detail~ *pointless rambling gogogo*

    A purple lecture theatre? That's absolutely fantastic X3 Glad the Open Days went okay :3
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