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  • XDD I have da and other sites to keep me entertained. =3

    >=[ This is very annoying. My shoyru should not be a girl.
    Oh yes. The WRATH! ;;Dramatic music plays;;

    So you best appease the Queen... or else. There will be... no shitshoes tonight.
    Well, Snorlax eats, and sleeps afterwards. Ram Crotch only uses food metaphors; there's no indication of him eating buckets every day. But, eh, until we think of new stuff.

    I'd say Pi-Face would be PorygonZ, Megs Alakazam, and Mr. H... Er, I dunno.

    Also: silly Mike :3 I thought you'd catch my tendency to use Camouflage with Staryu by now. This is gonna be an epic fight~
    Ahah, yes, I remember that one xD But I suspected something, so I turned off my sound and waited. It still startled me kinda, though.
    xDDD I can just imagine vampires swimming freestyle through oceans of blood just to get to that one person.

    The proof is in the pudding. The pudding... of their doom. *cue epic music*
    YES. But it would be hard to decide who would be Ram Crotch, since almost everyone in Team Rocket thinks about food a lot.
    Ah, yes, those. I've fallen for one once >.> This really quiet YouTube video. Had to turn up my sound pretty high, and as soon as I do, BAM.
    Haha, nice! xD We will all be sent up to outer space one day because we be bleedin' lots!

    To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine this light of true redemption, so this place may become as paradise. Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...
    ... OTL Did you know, when I was floundering about and trying to remember the beginning of the quote, the Team Rocket catchphrase-thing popped into my head.
    Hm, not really.

    ...the Queen would be the Godfather of the mafia, Lemming would be the inspector, Brian would lead the Brianic Order, and the killer rabbit would be the Alien! Yaaay!
    We are :D
    No idea what a Screamer is, but I giggled at the guy and the weird growths. Hee, looks like I'm not the only person who's retarded :3

    Oh, sorry! We're fresh out. Go play with your friends. I'll whip up some
    ...And yes, I did copy that out of the game script OTL
    xDDDD You know that actually made me laugh in real life when I read that? Oh, morbid you. Morbid me. :D WE'RE A HAPPY FAMILY

    Whatever you say, Mike. But first...
    *pulls out something from behind her back*
    Cuppa joe for the road?
    If we count movies, the "three questions" scene, the stoning from Life of Brian, and "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" are also hilarious.

    I want to make "Monty Python's Flying Mafia" now.
    Well, yes, that. Especially when Dragon's Storm used Outrage and broke Twitch's Kadabra's arm. That was fun to write, heh. *hypocrite*

    Hahahaa xD I was about to say OMGOMGOMG OUR BATTLE GOT TAKENNNNNNNNN. Speak of the devil, indeed.
    Mr. Neutron is also pretty good. I like everything in How Not To Be Seen (Agatha Christie sketch and Crackpot Religions especially).
    "...a spot of tender, hot flesh." It's not like the Vulpix suddenly becomes furless. It's just... well, a spot :P So yes, I think you are imagining blocks of text being violent and ghastly.
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