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  • I like LotBDA because it's funny a few viewings afterwards. Most Python sketches lose their appeal after you see them a few times (Nobody expects the Spanis... ah, who the hell are we kidding? Everyone knows about this bloody inquisition!).

    The "Aren't joo, Flopsay?" line still cracks me up every time.

    ...otherwise, I like How Not To Be Seen as well, although it suffers from the It Was His Sled problems already stated.
    Yeah. Man its been down for a while. =[

    Btw, I've got the lab map now. So far, all I've been getting are gender changes and level decreases. *sighs*
    Eyyy your sig contains a reference to Lemming of the BDA :D

    That's my favorite Monty Python sketch. HOW DID YOU KNOW
    Metroid Prime was pretty awesome - I watched my brother play the entire game, basically - but I'm not an FPS person OTL My aim is horrible, and my hand shakes too much.

    (Pfff, stick with L. It's much more hygenic [no I don't know how that works].)
    Very good job. *pats Blazhyretardness on the head*

    Psh. You can clean them ;D S'all good!
    But I also use a Gamecube controller to play Brawl OTL So now I suck.
    ...Crap. xD I didn't notice that. Whoops.

    FFFFFFF I need one of those! D: Our only one died somehow, and now I can't play my gameboy colour games, nor my Gamecube games D: Woe is meee
    Errr... Are?

    Ahhh, interesting. ...Make an alphabet song to go along with it and sing it for all of TCoD when you're done.
    R is awesome. You're keeping R, right?

    I hate Q too, except when it's not followed by a U. Which is rare. But it looks cool c:
    *lurches over to the gazebo*

    Haythar, y is an awesome consonant. I personally don't like 'm' that much, despite it occupying the 13th space of the alphabet which, incidentially, is my favourite number :|
    And ee-es has too many e's >:( Invent something to replace y, or something! Yes!

    *blows smoke from gun* Mah retardation does not appreciate hurr durr OvO
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