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  • *clutches tuna sandwich protectively* I'm hungry >:(

    D: Tell Alrauune to remake the challenge! Nao! Gogogo!
    "Beast (v) (col.):
    To attack in a sudden, disorganised, uncouth manner; To bully or distress.
    He always beasts me, They ganged up and beasted him"
    Pfff. Is not. You just watch - I'm going to create something with knifewrenches from its elbows and make it the best thing since sliced bread!

    ...Don't those fall under the category of swords? Or at least sword-like objects? :0
    ...Well then, give your armour-suit thing a knifewrench! :0 Have knifewrenches sticking out of its elbows!
    ... :0 Am I right in assuming it's going to be a Steel/Ghost type?

    ...But it can still have elbow-blades. (Though that's sorta ripping off of Gallade :|)
    Mmm, that's true... But eh, I don't know, maybe it can have slashy things on its elbows and knees, or something?
    ...Well, we need a ninja Pokemon to be bitter rivals with Cappun. Thhink Seviper and Zangoose :>

    But swords are awwwesome. Just fuse it with their arms, or something, and it's good to go~

    Ninja, yes, with killer toes!
    Remember: make a Ninja Pokemon!

    I'll have to have help with the movesets though :< Because I'm horrible with that stuff.
    Yes, I think we should go with that. Maybe we could duel while our Pokemon are battling.

    That just gave me the idea of making a Blazheirio fake-mon with killer toes :'D
    Well then, it'd be unfair for me, because that essentially grants you invincibility :<

    (;-; *drags PokeGhost back* ORDER ORDER)
    Yeah, but my skin is made of metal, while yours is just... skin and fur. It'll be unfair :< One poke and you die, apparently.
    Exactly~ (And yes, derp is my new word. It has replaced nya, nyas~ Well, not completely.)
    Well, yeah, but unfortunately you don't have Blazhytoes :<

    Hmm. Then... Is a Max Revive a phoenix-down imitation?
    PFFF. That picture is made of pure awesomeness. Soon people all over TCoD will be bowing down before you. (I was going to say kissing your feet but derp.)

    But, hey, do you think a Max Revive is actually compressed phoenix down in the shape of a weird star-thingy?

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