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  • It can be seen as education... sorta... Okay, well, not really.

    I've only read a few pages from Calvin and Hobbes, actually, but from what I've seen it's pretty epic ;D
    ...Raccoon ;-; Did it get run over?
    It's all right.

    I have the strange urge to get a long blonde wig and a red coat and run around a lot, and stare creepily at people, and faint, but that's a completely different matter.
    Calvin and Hobbesssss~ Derp, that's not idiotic. It's a perfectly valid excuse of why you didn't do your essay- *shot by a random passing teacher*
    Yay, then we're both misled :'D There are probably countless other examples, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
    My life has been misled too many times *shakes head sadly*

    ...No seriously, up until recently I thought 'domesticated' was spelled 'dosmeticated', and I still have trouble remembering that. And I thought 'narrator' was 'nararrator', as well. ._.
    The... the... the jacket potato.

    On another note, yay! :D I wonnnn! Now my wini-loss ratio doesn't look as pitiful! Time to challenge Kratos and get my butt pwnt...
    You were supposed to catch it >:(
    With your mouth!

    And I'd like it, because I was hungry :'D
    By the way, what's jacket potato?
    Ah, lucky you. If I work now, all I'll get is volunteer hours :|

    Ahhh my grandpa is cooking and I can smell dinner ;-; And I'm still so damn hungry!

    ...Wait, you have work? I thought you were still attending post-secondary education... Are you allowed to get paid while you're still going to school? o.o
    But I'm HUNGRY D: I only ate a dish of noodles for lunch and it's 6pm now and I don't have dinner for another hourrr *snivels*
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