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  • ...DUDE.
    You wouldn't mind if I shrunk it down an stuck it in my signature, would you?
    ...But that technically isn't very close to what Blazheirio looks like :< BUT IT'S STILL AWESOME.

    *pokes you with Blazhytoes* Play it. PLAYYY.

    Butbutbut I told you to D: And you joined Mafia Fanatics when someone told you to!
    But Fobstenzltwaft is the month of love and joy and hugs and happiness!
    D< Damn you, fairies!
    ...Damn you, elves!

    Yesss, Okami~ Such an awesome game! But the Sunken Ship was freaky D:
    Byyyy the way, JOIN THE ART CLUB >:( Because I said so.
    Derp when did I give you the tablet pen o.o I only gave you the tablet...
    Plus, how would you know how Blazhy looks like? As far as I know there isn't a single picture of it on the internet :3

    *is listening to Okami BGMs* ...Not happening :'D
    D: Nonono Mike use the tablet pennnnnnnnn

    >:( We shall seeee... But technically it didn't moonwalk, because you crossed out that part :D
    I have no life, so I've already read it... 3 times over OTL
    *shoves tablet towards you* Fine...

    By the way, the next reffing should be fun :D I'm going to end with my usual uber-flashy-combo-move!
    Pah. If you don't annoy me online, you won't stand much of a chance offline~ I have a generally sweet temperment :3
    As long as you don't hug me, s'all good.

    MINE. *wiggles Blazhytoes and snarls*
    But bear in mind that if you annoy me, I'd rip your face off with my epictoes :3 So under normal circumstances I'd be a good Christmas gift, just don't get on my bad side ;D

    >:( MY tablet. *overprotective*
    That makes more sense :)

    Derp, well, I wasn't too far off. Ha! *points at my mom* See! My math skills have rotted! ...Completely!

    Naw, sell me, get the tablet, and ask for me for Christmas :D Then you'll get even moar weird looks!
    Mike: I want a mechanical dragon with lots of pointy edges and stuff!
    Everyone: o.O
    Sell me? ... T-T I'm only worth £50? Blasphemy!

    But wait, I was lucky enough to get mine for $60, and the usual price is around $70... Damn, that's pretty expensive o.o Around $87.50, right?
    Derpity derp. Well, don't blame me if it turns out to be crappy, because I pointed you to the Wacom Bamboo >.>

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