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  • *eats* MOAR PL0X

    Uhhh... Negrek does seem to be a bit later than usual o.O Most of the time it's Sunday or Monday... Usually Monday, though. (and yeah, I saw that too >.> His writing is pretty horrid so I doubt he'll make it anyway...)
    Maggots are dirty. But since you just said you're a maggot, I suppose that means you're dirty?

    WAIT. I thought you said you were a foxhog. *glares suspiciously* Is this a trap?

    By the way, I joined the Mafia fanatics :'D
    Well... A maggot would get the fudge dirty >(

    And in some Supreme ASB Council of Elite Referees I'd be the one running the errands, I'll bet... *mumbles*
    Naw, there are a bunch of refs that are so lowly and maggoty that they aren't even listed there xP So don't worry.
    Well, Kratos was voted to be best battler, so *shrug*

    Yes, that's accurate. And Dwaggers is the bank underling and I'm the elite-ref underling! >.> And you are... Soon to be ref underling?
    Here you may as well just use these tea bags filled with salt, you'd just be disappointing yourself otherwise.


    "The above is a typical opening for a game called Mafia. The game is played by a group of people, each playing the role of either a murdering mafia member or an innocent townsperson, along with a game moderator. At the beginning of the game, night falls, and the mafia family members become aware of each other (by communication from the moderator). They then choose a victim, and the moderator announces the death scene. When day breaks, the town must try to weed out the evil by lynching someone they suspect to be mafia. The game continues, alternating between night and day, until one side is eliminated.

    The game of Mafia (in Meat World) is usually run with playing cards representing the possible roles in the game. The moderator secretly distributes the cards to the players, then has everyone put their head down/close their eyes. During the night, the moderator "wakes up" the mafia, and they silently choose a victim. During the day, everyone discusses, argues, screams, and eventually votes for someone to lynch. The cycle repeats until the endgame. "

    From MafiaWiki cos lazy copypasta
    ...You're absolutely right. >.> IF YOUR LISTENING KRATOS DON'T KILL USSS *shot by Kratos, again*

    But hey, if Negrek is super-ref then Kratos must be super-battler! :D Yes!
    Hmmph. Maybe I'll beg Kratos to make a ninja Pokemon, then >.> *shot by Kratos*

    Most certainly :'D

    We should totally make a catchphrase for Kratos, too :0
    And that's why you use them fossil Pokemon! *pats Phalanx and Sickle*

    Erm, I'm not a Fakemon person though >.> Like I said before, I suck at making Fakemon... Their designs usually end up being far too complicated, and at any rate I have no logic whatsoever when it comes to stats and moves and stuff.

    NO. WE SHOULD WRECK WILLOW TOWN *shot by Negrek*
    Ah, must've mixed the words up. At least Crazy Linoone likes the idea...?

    That's a ninja bug. I want a full-blown ninja! >.>
    *blows smoke from gun* :J

    Oh, well then, I think it's fine. After all, Negrek said that she liked the idea of a pirate Pokemon, and you fixed everything she said to fix, right?
    ...Now we just need a ninja Pokemon...
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