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    yeah now if only I could draw one :/

    The thing is uhhh that's not what I'm gonna submit. Yet, at least. Typh has no moveset D: But what I am submitting?

    ...I can't tell ye yeeet >:D
    That, actually D: But clothing wise you could just sorta combine the coat into the body sorta vaugelike...well I kinda drew it.
    ...in the span of five minutes D:

    EXACTLY although really it would be more attack based and know some fighting moves cause:
    Their fights are visually dramatic with spitting, ramming each other with their chests, neck wrestling and kicking, mainly to knock the other off balance. AND . However, llamas that are bottle-fed or over-socialised and over-handled as youngsters will become extremely difficult to handle when mature, when they will begin to treat humans as they treat each other, which is characterized by bouts of spitting, kicking and neck wrestling
    YEAHHHH It's too bad I didn't get to ref a full-on explosion, only an Aftermath, but s'all good :'D I got to blow a Drifloon to bits and set a Skelitten on fiyah!

    Yeah, let's not.

    I... suppose so? I mean, if you explode then I think I'll have to clean up your guts >.> I MEAN. *coughwheeze*

    By the way, explosions are fun to ref :D
    Well Grass as in the coat. See after a while in a pen, moss and dirt an gunk builds in there. When the llama's sheared, that's all cleaned and made into wooly sweaterstuffs.

    As for the shaering..that's where Dark comes in. Well trained llamas usually stay in one spot long enough for shearing, but more fickle ones....it ranges to getting spit on (which isn't spit, man. Llamas actually regurgitate D:) to a broken collarbone due to getting yer arse whooped by a ticked off llama. Real sadistic, some llamas are...
    Oh come on, stop pressing Q for God's sake-

    Finish another battle of what? O.o The 2 battles (or was it 3?) before the Fakemon can get approved never really made much sense to me...
    D:< *pushes Negrek towards the Referee Headquarters*
    I want my paycheck too ;-;
    No really?

    .....Hey you, join Mafia Fanatics. Do it.
    You'll be the third guy out of ten people. :D We need more guys toy toy wit- ...even our numbers?

    I'm not too sure why it's Steel actually :/ I just decided it was when I got the idea and never thought about it again. Water/Dark does seem a bit more sensible. And I think Leaf Blade can be executed with any blade as well as a sharpened leaf; the Attacks and Abilities Guide says about as much, and Gallade can use it, so.

    Aaand now I'm made to think about it, Pokémon carrying weapons about is strange as well. Though I could probably do away with them and say that it uses its hook for slashing attacks, if that helps. (And firing stuff like Flash Cannon and Hydro Pump from a gun is quite surreal anyway.)"

    Sooooo...you think you can wait a bit? Cause if you gotta change something...yeah D:
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