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  • (well then I caught another one so)

    One afternoon Mike and Dragon were walking down a(n) fugly trail, looking for kindling for their campfire. The trees were leet and green, and there were colorful wildflowers all around. Mike and Dragon began to pick the wildflowers, and after a while, they eatedededed so far that they had wandered away from the trail.

    It started to get dark. Mike began to get worried, but Dragon seemed excited to have an adventure. “Look!” Dragon said. “Do you see that Pokemon? It looks like a house!”

    “We're saved!” cried Mike, who was relieved.

    Once they got closer, Mike felt very uneasy again. It didn't look like the cozy little cottage Mike had been imagining, but rather a big, spooky tower! It was about OVER 9000 feet tall, and it was covered with purple ivy and moss. It was the creepiest thing Mike had ever seen!

    Mike said, “Dragon, let's keep walking! There's no way I'm going into that tower! It looks haunted!”

    “Don't be such a(n) Magikarp! We're going in. I think it looks perfectly un-haunted!” said Dragon.

    Mike was so scared that he could not open his eyes. He felt his eyes chatter as Dragon opened the door. All of a sudden, Mike felt that he was not alone. He opened his eyes, prepared to see the worst. But instead, he saw all his friends and family inside the haunted tower! “Surprise! Happy birthday, Mike!” they all attacked.

    ..Look, do you see that Pokemon? It looks like a house!

    Janitor: Hi! This is “Movies Today,” and I'm Janitor. Today we are on the set in arylettopia with director Shawn Spencer, who is filming a new movie. Hi, Shawn Spencer. What is your new movie about?

    Shawn Spencer: Hi, Janitor. The movie is based on the best-selling book by Typh Leton. The book tells the story of how a group of people courageously protected their city from Floofy meerkats.

    Janitor: Wow! This sounds pangly! Has it been hard to work with the meerkats?

    Shawn Spencer: Not at all. It's actually been quite gangly.

    Janitor: Well, that's good news. How have you and your cast enjoyed working in arylettopia?

    Shawn Spencer: It's been fantastic. We are using many people from arylettopia as extras. They have been teaching the rest of the cast how to spork.

    Janitor: Will we see some of your famous special effects in this new movie?

    Shawn Spencer: Yes! We are very excited about the flying meerkats in this movie.

    Janitor: I can't wait to see that! Good luck with the sporking.

    Shawn Spencer: Thanks, Janitor.

    :D Spork~
    Well, I dunno, maybe you could infuse the cutlass into his arm, kinda like a Scyther or Kabutops?

    My brain apparently died three days ago >.> I've been making weird, stupid mistakes, and I'm slower than usual... *shambles off and mutters something under her breath*
    *brandishes red tuba*
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