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Notoriously Unknown

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  • *Replys to review*

    Thanks, Notory! I was waiting for the time when you would review.

    Am I being annoying? Again?
    ...-_- Yes. Sadly.

    They're also conservitive republicans, so they're all like,


    thank you for the banner! its amazing! But do you know how to put a link in it? Like on your eveelution cult banner where you click on the banner and it takes you to it. I dont know how to do that.
    Cool new avie, though I think I've seen it before.

    Well... marriage, by definition is between a man and a women. And I sort of think you have to make yourself like the same sex.

    ...And, remember, I'm one of those loud-minority Christians. Sometimes the things I think and do go against 'their' ethics, though.
    Sorry for not responding for so long, Nottie. You see, due to my carelessness last night, I got caught sneaking on the computer by my dad and let me tell you, it was not a pretty sight. =( At least he thought I was chatting on MSN with a friend of mine from school (*Phew*) but I had to explain that you were somebody from my school with insomnia (not true, I think) and I just love chatting with you (which of course is true. ^ω^). Now that he knows about my sneaking on the computer, however, my sleeping time has been restricted to 11 PM and not pass it (or else... *gulps*). This means that when it's 9:30 PM (your time; 10:30 PM my time), we'll have to cut our conversation short (and it doesn't help much when you're usually online pass midnight for me, but hey what can I do about that?). =( *Sighs* It sucks to have strict parents... (´;ω;`)

    *Sighs again* We're in the same boat, Nottie. If my parents ever figure out that I go on TCoD and have made friends here... I think you can picture the very bad situation. :<
    Well, there was a shocked cat, and it said "dont....look.......behind you......." anyway, I has to go now. Byes. =)~
    Heh. ^w^
    Okay, I think now is a good time to switch subjects now. I asked you this before but you never answered or you didn't read it, whichever the case: what to you want to do when you're older?
    You're only eleven; you have all the time to think this through.
    And concerning the question, Nutella. *Shot*
    (Serious) Uh... that's a pretty difficult question to answer. I don't know how to answer that. =S There's too much to say!

    Oh yeah, you got my e-mail and saw the picture right? Whaddya think, huh?
    Happiness is something that's hard to come by and you need to put in a lot of effort and time to achieve it. First, ask yourself: what makes you truly happy? Then build it up from there. (This is all my opinion just so you know).

    And about what you should do... elaborate please, and only then can I really help you.
    Yes, I have heard of Roadtrip but I'm too lazy to read it.

    And also... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the similarities between us is starting to freak me out now; you're almost like a Mini-Me of myself. O.o
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