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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Hmm... now that I think about my neighbors, I don't think any of them speak English. O_O
    No, no, that dime was a male!
    ...Uh, I think his name was Julius or something...
    ... No, wait a minute. Philip's a nickel. O.o
    Okay, let me rephrase that: I'm not so sure about the allergy ting...
    It's 90 degree weather, my hands arer freezing and numbing, and it's been a day and NOTHING.

    Maybe I should go to the hospital...

    They were ANGRRRRRRRRRRRRRY for no reason, and they feel like needles.
    Okau..remember that praty..?

    But I'm not so. but there ere so fucken MANY *thudslams*
    So, yeah, I'm in a lotta pain now it aimed for the legs ><
    No... it's FORTY TWO!
    But nice try, so here's ten cents: (・∀・)つ⑩
    Yes, I am weird; it's a reputation I'm trying to withhold. =P (My first e-mail address had the word weird in it).
    Anyway, I've been reading your thread and I'm trying to reply to it... but I dunno what to say there. All I can think is, "Stop stealing my lines! You're eleven, you got a lot of time to fix this but I don't!"
    ...So, all this time you've been pretending to be happy on here...?
    ...Nottie... stop stealing my lines...
    I sorta do the same thing, except I don't keep an extra tab; thankfully my parents never check the sites I go to or click my minimized links. I'm allowed on the forums but if they ever discovered I actually made friends on here, then there's a problem. (They truly are hypocrites. -_-;;) I got caught because I thought my dad was asleep and just as I was replying to your previous message, that's when he opened the door and saw me on the computer. I was careless, really; I could still see the light of the hallway on under the door and I took the risk. Until I feel completely safe sneaking on the computer again (or at least until my parents forget, whichever comes first), I'll be logging out earlier than usual. =(

    And also.... [*Jokingly*]Bad, Nottie, bad! You should know better than to stay up late, even if there is no school the next day. =P You're eleven, you need more sleep than me. [/*Jokingly*] (But seriously, it's better to sleep earlier instead of later. But hey, I'm not your parents, so do whatever you want and go nuts about it. ^w^).
    That's...actually been my internal debate lately.

    Relgion is just so...unbelievable if you think about it. I would go on, but...

    But then, it's been part of my life for so long, and I can't just... stop.
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