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Notoriously Unknown

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  • I... really doubt that's gonna work... but I-I'll try your advice the next he... "seduces" me...*shudders*

    And I just realized something: I lost our little doubling at FORTY TWO! :P *Sighs* It's those little mistakes that pass by me all the time... all the time...
    I'm aware he's just joking but he's scarily believable, almost to Zoltea's level! In fact, he nearly took off my clothes today. O_O
    Luckily I was able to escape his grasp and get to my laptop on time (I'm using it at my grandmother's house now; my cousins and grandmother live in a duplex)
    I just think you'd be great at it =D

    So does Dwagie and she's little more than a child herself.
    He always acts like he's in love with me or something whenever I come visit, saying things like "It's just you and me, [Skroy]... just the two of us..." in a seductive voice. O_O
    I-I'm scared, Nottie...
    Hm? GIMP ofcourse~ I make avatars all the time from things. Just a bit of cropping and/or resizing. ^^
    Also, do you know what you should do? Is illustrate children's books. x3 You would SO be GREAT at that with your style. And now I'm going to make Mike bug you to do so also as he agrees with me~
    (Right now I'm at my cousin's house and he's seriously creeping me out now. O_O)
    The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything: FORTY TWO!
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