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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Oh nice, I give you a super quilt and you run off and leave me without saying thanks ;w;
    Mean ungrateful girl *cries*
    ...I can't say the word mouse okay I'm that weird and yeah >:(
    Nooo, she doesn't smoke..or drink, actually. It's a literal scratch.
    Oh. But the tumors are shrinking right? :3
    Do you happen to know somebody who's famous/could be considered famous?

    (I'm running out of topics to talk about... ^.^'')
    Who? =S
    No, I'm thinking about a swimmer around my age who won gold medal in the 400-metre individual medley in Winnipeg in 2002. In fact, we graduated from the same elementary school in the same grade (though, all this is hypothetical).
    It isn't paranoia...now my Mickey paranoai, THAT.

    Yeees, yessss, much tea an' ginger an' stffs. But she has a persistent, loud cough caused by a scratch on her throat.
    ...what animal's Mickey? >:
    :DDDDDD This is great, no,, better than great, and I know, you want me to stop now x33
    ('Wierd' is supposed to be spelt as 'weird')

    Meh, you're not the first to call me weird (in fact, I was labeled as weird when I was younger). The guys in that thread tempted me to post a photo of my own. I curse them for no reason whatsoever. =P

    Onto a different story, I'm suddenly thinking I might know a gold medalist swimmer in real life...
    ...now I'm glad speakers dun't work, because THEN me mum would-yeaaaah D:
    Three things:
    3)...I heard you were in the hospitsl for a bit...any progress on the cancer? :3
    (Note that I'm not very worried, jsut a curious little Typh.
    Bonjour, Nottie! :3

    ...Anyway, back to what I was saying, you really did see my picture in the 'BtA' thread, right? If so... uh, what do you think?
    Fun. Do you draw pictures for others because you enjoy it, or because they really want you to?
    xD No problem. I'm doin' fine... Hmm I'm sure I'll come up with something useful to say... just give me a minute =P
    Fine, fine, I'll stay away from you in RL. It's completely understandable why you would not want me to meet you (but I would really like to meet you someday. I mean, BLUE HAIR! I gotta see it. T_T). Good for you knowing how to protect yourself. :D

    ....Did you happen to see my real face in 'Behind the Avatar' thread?
    I just wanna meet you face-to-face, not date you. -_-;;
    The other girl who's around my age, on the other hand, I would at least attempt to ask out.

    ...Now that I think about it, I'm basically implying that I do want to date you, except an older version of yourself. Heh... heh... uh... ^.^;;;
    Uh, noooo....
    It made me realize the type of girl that I find really appealing to me. Now if only I can meet said girl in real life... (either you or another person around my age like you).
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