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Notoriously Unknown

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  • You changed your avie again! :3 Personally, I prefer your new avie over all the other ones I've seen.
    By the way, how did you get that Bob-omb animated? I've been searching for a program that can animate drawings. I know Photoshop can be used to animate but for some reason I can't get it to save the file properly. =(
    (;;Waaaaaavees;; Hiya NU~ Oh, I like that. It sounds like a country. NU... the abbrieviation for like... a state or something.)

    Well, I felt a tickle in my stomach. I believe you call it "hunger."
    Sorry, that was uncalled for. But that wasn't a nice thing to want to do to a quilt, OK?

    Please stop being upset D:
    ZOMG, IT'S A BOB-OMB! (Translation: Nice new avvie. Did you make it?)

    EDIT: Oh, you're off now. Oh well, guess it can't be helped. Pleasant dreams, Nottie. Don't let diabolical Bob-omb explode on you. ;)
    Um..... uh.....
    "You can't go on the roof because you don't have insurance!"

    Speaking of YouTube, where's the video of Aura-Man getting a girly make-over?
    I tried to put it in my sprites album on my profile, but it says not a valid image file. Oh and I wouldv'e done a picture of myself for you, but my dad never lets me use his scanner so I cant put it on the computor.
    Hmm... one of my uncles and my sister are artists to begin with; my youngest aunt can draw really neat face profiles; my oldest aunt can knit an almost exact replica of famous paintings such as the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa; my aunt who lives in the US (not in your state) can make a rose out of chocolate wrapper (origami; I should've asked how she does it); my mom draws well when it comes to archteteral(?) desgins; my cousin draws a pretty decent Meta Knight and Dedede by memory on a dry eraser board; ... and that's all I can recall of artistic talent in my family.
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