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Notoriously Unknown

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  • ......*Sighs* If only I could meet you or another girl around my age who's like you...
    Don't get freaked out or anything, but, um... you're my type of girl....
    Oh, how violent could it be from an eleven year old...?

    ...That's a lot of blood. O.o
    ...You really do like stabbing things and seeing blood drip, do you? O.o *Is starting to get a bit creeped out*
    Now stop stabbing my cousin's tree which he got for his birthday. :P

    (No, seriously, he got a tree for his birthday XD).
    GAH! I have been slained! *Slowly collapses onto floor* Tell my wife and kids I lo-
    You don't have a wife, or kids for that matter.
    Oh be quiet, you're ruining the dramatic moment, and- HOW THE HELL DO YOU KEEP GETTING BACK UP!? O.o
    Cat, where!? *Looks around premises*

    (I want a cat but unfortunately my sister is allergic to them. =( )
    Wait, come back! We hadn't even had a proper duel yet! ;~;
    Maybe she's starting to get scared of?
    Now that's just silly. We're best friends and she doesn't mind if- wait, why are you conscious?
    -_-;;; *Beats dude up again*

    (Ooh, go violence! Actually, no, violence is bad...)
    Nah, it's just a lot of fat that have solidify within him.
    ... >8( *Threatens with stick* I thought you were unconscious, dude?
    ...Oh yeah... *Returns to being unconscious*

    (By the way, I'm not fat; just a bit chubby)
    *In horrible French accent* Hah ha! Silly guerrl, your attack was- how do you say?- ineffective!
    Some dude: Yeah, his stomach is like the Great Wall of China! :3
    *Normal voice*... Was that a fat joke?
    *Nervous*...Uh, no?
    ........ *Hits dude hard enough on the head for him to fall unconscious; charges after Nottie as if wielding a jousting lance*
    That's exactly what they struck me with. -_-;;;

    By the way, ow...
    *Gets out his own stick* En garde! :3
    You try babysitting six hyperactive 2-4 year olds who are high on sugar (on a piece of an Oreo birthday cake to be precise; I went to a birthday party today). -.-
    It was chaotic...
    Thunder clouds.
    On a different note, I got beaten up by toddlers today. -.-
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