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  • Oh well I'm not the one who arranged the picture. I would put the sprite in this message but You cant see pictures ^^;;
    Its been so long though. I'm proud of myself! :3 And then I'll feel down as soon as I find another pencil drawing with even better shading due to my inferiority complex. -_-;; Stupid trait of mine...
    Now that I look at it, I'm starting to think everybody in my family is artistic in some form or another.
    But now that I think about it..... XD

    I did put a lot of time into it. Actually, it was my first attempt at shading in a long while and my absolute first time using those shading pencils, which were provided by my sister.
    Appendicitis. At first I thought the cause of the pain was when I had a taste of ranch flavored sauce. Ranch flavor tastes disgusting to me. XP

    Well, no, not really; a few people used sprites and some copy/pasted. I just got Mike and Typh to draw something by hand. :P And also, I have no clue what Evoli's sign says; it's too small. Scy might still have the original picture though.
    And Skroy doesn't know this because I did the original collage, but Evoli originally drew you. However, we had already told Minkow she could, and having two of you looked dumb. Orriginally, you and her were standng side by side, you holding a sign with a heart on it, and Evoli's sign saying, "Why are we holding signs?"
    ...You really are peed, aren't you?

    I suppose saying that I'm sorry you have to get chemo wouldn't help. And if I say that I wish I could do more t help you would be "suspicious"...

    ...I can't help but wish that I had kept that collage until tommorow, however.
    But I love YOU most :D
    (Stop me if you start thinking of that as creepy)

    And you know what, I don't actually remember... ask Skroy. Whatever it was it wasn't as good B3

    Wait... you mean mine wasn't cute? *hurt*
    You're hospital has wireless Internet? O.o Now that's just plain weird... or maybe it's just my hospital... then again, I only went to the hospital once in my lifetime for a surgery...

    I'll notify you when to check your e-mail; I've barely had time to work on this side project since I was mostly focused on drawing my persona for your collage.
    I would copy and paste evreything I said to you, except that I can't retrieve the messages. If you could get Typh to send them back, I would, but whether you do or not is up to you, in her state...

    From what I remember that was the worst thing I said. But, then again, possibly not. You'd have to read them.
    I think you were feeling really down at the time so we got together and made you that to cheer you up. (I came up with the mosaic idea!)

    I drew me twice. That means I love you most =3
    Um, I'm pretty sure it's not a good idea to use a laptop in the hospital since waves emitted from the laptop may interfere with medical equipment.
    It's from the second Mystery Dungeon special actually. It's a Gabite using Attract; ain't he attractive? :3

    Oh, by the way, you know the secret I've been mentioning? If you thought it was the collage, then nope. Apart from the collage, I've been working on a separate project and your presence is required. It's still a secret though (but I'll tell you that it is also some sort of test I'll be conducting through your e-mail). ;)
    ^.^ (Which is slowly becoming my most abused emocon).

    Know what makes it better? Read the conversation between me and Typh.
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