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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Okay, listen closely, Nottie. I'm gonna go "sleep" because of my dad. However, I will try sneaking on tonight. If I don't log back on on time, pleasant dreams, Nottie. D:
    Some of my favorite anime intro music are:

    SPURT! (Pokemon; 10th opening)
    Melissa~ (FMA; 1st opening)
    Ready, Steady, Go (FMA; 2nd opening)
    Basically all openings from Detective Conan/Case Closed
    The WOLRD (Death Note; 1st opening)

    And a few more, but there's just too many. As for endings:

    Polka O Dolka (Pokemon; I forgot which ending)
    Harmonia (Naruto; I forgot which ending)
    Aluminia (Death Note; 1st ending)
    A few Detective Conan/Cased Closed endings (such as "Step by Step")

    There's a lot more where this came from, but there's too many to list (and you probably don't know what Detective Conan is, am I right?)
    *bursts into tears*
    Notory I'm so sorry. Really. I wish there's some ay I could show you. I feel like a hoorible person now, and it's well deserved. You hate me now, don't you? I would.

    This is between Skroy and ttyph, and i shopldn't just freak out on her. Nothing I did can justify mt actions.

    Im going to apligize. and mean it.
    I listen to BNL whenever I get the opportunity. Their songs are great! :D (♪If I had a million dollars, if I had a million dollars...♪)

    Other than the two songs I've mentioned, I usually listen to music you would hear from anime during the openings and endings.
    ...Have you ever tried to give respect to someone who just insulted one of your best friends? It's kinda hard.

    I'll try, I mean, I will. I'm not going to lie, ignoring me was probably the respectable thing to do. I just find this whole situation very horrible. I feel as if I do nothing, I'm a bad friend, and if I sugarcoat things, I'm lieing through my teeth.


    A very tricky situation indeed.
    Um, I don't really have a favorite song; I'm neutral when it comes to 'favorites'. And even if I did have a favorite, it would probably be something in Japanese.
    Two songs that I really do like, though, would be, "Castles in the Sand" by The Philosopher Kings and "One Week" by the Bare Naked Ladies. :P

    I suppose I should apologize to Typh for being rash. Not that I really do care, I just want him to respond.

    Gerroff me! I know it's unethical!
    Yeah. I guess I didn't get banned because I didn't blatantly point out that I was going to be banned. And I argued with the mods, which, I suppose, on principle was bad, but they seemed to like you ^.^
    Well, it's your choice. If you ever get kicked out of TCoD (which I highly doubt), we could always chat through e-mail. :D Be aware, though, I'll be using your first name instead. :P

    While you were gone, I had the chance to listen to, "Plenty of Paper" by Eisley for the first time. I wuv it! ^w^
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